I've been trying to get a VNC connection going for 2 days now with little success.
The best I got was being able to connect and seeing a desktop but i couldn't open any apps, they tried to open (egg timer + taskbar name etc appeared) but nothing happened. I was using vnc-common and tightvncserver packages, both now removed. When vncserver was started applications also had trouble starting when I was directly logged into the box.
Should also say that what I'm after is the ability to login over Internet to my Kubuntu, and also from a Windows box as well on the local network.
Anyone able to offer any advice or help.
I've been trying to get a VNC connection going for 2 days now with little success.
The best I got was being able to connect and seeing a desktop but i couldn't open any apps, they tried to open (egg timer + taskbar name etc appeared) but nothing happened. I was using vnc-common and tightvncserver packages, both now removed. When vncserver was started applications also had trouble starting when I was directly logged into the box.
Should also say that what I'm after is the ability to login over Internet to my Kubuntu, and also from a Windows box as well on the local network.
Anyone able to offer any advice or help.