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X reconfigures itself every boot

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    X reconfigures itself every boot


    I should start by saying that I am quite experienced with linux however I am very new to kubuntu. I just decided to make the switch from Gentoo and this is my first time using kubuntu.

    I am using a laptop with a Intel 945GM card, and I have an external monitor that i use most of the time with it. The first time that I installed Kubuntu everything was detected perfectly. My external monitor was detected and automatically configured to 1680x1050 resolution which is what I want.

    However, everytime I restart, X seems to be reconfigured with a new xorg.conf being created. And the resolution on my external monitor is set to 1400x1050 which isn't even the right aspect ratio.

    So then what I do to fix it is login, copy the original xorg.conf that was created to /etc/X11/ and then restart the X server with ctrl+alt+backspace and then I have to login again and go to system settings to disable output to both my external monitor and my laptop screen. This is really a big pain to do every time I start my computer.

    With my old gentoo setup I manually configured 2 different server layouts and I would start X from the console depending on which configuration I was using. This isn't perfect but it worked very well.

    So my question is how do I just get X to use the config file that I want it to?


    Re: X reconfigures itself every boot

    My only guess would be for you to choose which config you would like to use (from a terminal), and rename it to "xorg.conf", making sure any others are differently named; then start the Xserver with either "startx" or "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start" (DO NOT ENTER "sudo startx").

    Edit: You could also graphically rename the config you'd like to use to xorg.conf, and restart with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace (or by logging out and pressing Alt+E, which seems to be the smoothest method to me).
    Asus G1S-X3:
    Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )

