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Looking for a Visual HTML Editor

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    Looking for a Visual HTML Editor

    On the forums the only visual editor I have seen mentioned is Quanta. I installed it but it's very hard to figure out and appears some things just aren't there that should be. For example if I insert an image I don't see any way to change it after it's there such as move it or add a link or center it. If I right click or double click on it nothing happens when I would expect something to pop up to change properties. Same with a table or anything. No tabs in the toolbar to change properties of things. Are these things there and I am just missing them? Is there a tutorial somewhere or better yet a different visual editor?

    Re: Looking for a Visual HTML Editor

    I haven't checked it out yet, but I just google for html editors, and found one called Bluefish, which is supposed to be a good html editor, and is in the repos.

    If you want to be nice, give it a try and let me know what you think
    Asus G1S-X3:
    Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


      Re: Looking for a Visual HTML Editor

      quanta (and bluefish) is more of an experts programming tool, not really visual (or WYSIWYG) web page editor. You are expected to edit the html/php/etc on your own there, with some tools to assist.

      Your Linux options for this are either Nvu (or the more current updated version of it now called Kompozer) or using Openoffice. Nvu/Kompozer works fine, really but cannot do much that is overly complex on its own, and Openoffice is akin to using MS Word for web design.

      There is nothing quite like Frontpage or Dreamweaver out there for linux, but I'd try Kompozer as it will do the things with images you are looking for.


        Re: Looking for a Visual HTML Editor

        Thanks for clearing that up, html isn't really my field (I currently prefer Java)
        Asus G1S-X3:
        Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


          Re: Looking for a Visual HTML Editor

          Thanks claydoh I just installed Kompozer and it looks exactly like what I am looking for.

          And integr8e about bluefish, what claydoh said.


            Re: Looking for a Visual HTML Editor

            I do webpage design, and use only opensource tools. While it's true that there's nothing quite like Dreamweaver in the opensource world, I don't find this to be a problem at all. One need merely combine tools.

            * I use jEdit for all kinds of text editing, including HTML files, Tidy standards checking, accessing large files via a file outline, and so on. I couldn't live without it.
            * For WYSIWYG editing, which I consider simply mandatory for actually WRITING in a page template, I use Amaya. I've tried every other substitute I could find, and nothing compares with Amaya for ease of use. It just works. But don't expect it render web pages all that well. For that, use your browsers, for Pete's sake.
            * Finally, the HTML file editing tools in Aptana Studio are rapidly becoming quite good, so you should consider that as well - but it does use the Eclipse interface, and so is complex.


              Re: Looking for a Visual HTML Editor

              Thanks for that post. I don't know much about html at the moment, but am interested in learning it and will probably take courses on the subject, so I can use all the help (guidance) I can get

              Edit: A friend of mine suggested I check out this site to learn the basics of html, but I've been kinda' lazy
              Asus G1S-X3:
              Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


                Re: Looking for a Visual HTML Editor

                I'm a web developer and I work with both OS software and PC software. On Gutsy, I rock Kate.

                I love Kate because she was meant for coding. If you are not a code kind of person, I would recommend using something other than this. But if you know code, then you will love Kate. Kate is not just for web but for any kind of text based document from TXT to PHP to CSS.

                If you are really looking to do web and do it right, you should definitely learn html. Honestly, it isn't hard at all and if you're using Linux, then you have the power to step outside the box!

                Check out if you want to learn HTML correctly. Alternatively, hit me up with a message.



                  Re: Looking for a Visual HTML Editor

                  Eclipse, Zend Studio, NuSphere PhpED, Komodo, Bluefish, Quanta.

                  I would look at Zend Studio and Komodo.



