I've discovered something kinda' strange about GParted; in the process of attempting to get the Texas Instruments card reader on my laptop to read my camera's MS (Memory Stick) card, I formatted the card to see if that would make any difference ("dmesg" gives me the error message "msblk0: unknown partition table" when I insert the card into the card reader). GParted detected the card was formatted as Fat16, so I re-formatted it to Fat16 (from my desktop), however, when I inserted it into my camera, I began receiving "Format error" messages. So, I removed the card and re-formatted it to Fat32 using kmformat (Fat16 isn't an option) and re-inserted it back into the camera, which gave me the same "Format error" message. I then re-formatted the card - again - using Windows' formatting tool, and it worked . . . what's the deal with that
