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Dialog before suspend/hibernate

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    Dialog before suspend/hibernate

    Hello folks

    I have installed kubuntu 7.10, and would like to know how to configure powenowd to display a kde dialog, minutes before suspend happens.

    What I want is, to configure powernowd to display a kde dialog 10min before battery finishes, and suspend to 5 min.

    Previously at kubuntu 10.6 with klaptopdaemon, it was possible to configure some hooks when battery is being consumed, as displayes some graphical dialog, warning the user, the battery is finishing.

    Thanks !

    Re: Dialog before suspend/hibernate

    Claudio and others interested in hibernation,

    Hibernation is configured in KPowersave - very detailed. Right click on the electric plug icon in the system tray. It works great in 7.04, 7.10 & 8.04.

    I hibernate my Toshiba Laptop a number of times a day. True it does take some time to shut down because it saves all of the system state to disk. If you want almost instant you have to use Suspend, which I haven't used in months because the computer is not turned off - only goes to sleep with everything in memory using battery power - although not much.

    The only problem I have had is with 8.04 (only). Sometimes when I re-start up from Grub (Kubuntu & Vista Yuck) in Kubuntu it does not ask for a log in password-- this is a new wrinkle and is not good security.

    I have never used the hibernate equivalent in Vista so I don't have a clue how that thing works. I never use Vista for anything other than to take up space on my hard drive. Every time I have used it has locked up or done something strange. I haven't used Windoz in over 10 years except to fix a clients problems.

    Jon Piper

