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Package manager question

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    Package manager question

    Hi, I switched to Kubuntu recently (today, in fact), and I've been having a bit of trouble adjusting to the differences between it and regular Ubuntu, specifically in the area of the Adept Manager. In Ubuntu, I could visibly see how much would need to be downloaded in the status bar. The Adept Manager does this too, but it doesn't subtract packages that are already cached, as far as I can tell. Neither does the update manager. I need to know the correct amount, as I have a limited amount of monthly transfer with my current internet connection. Also, to see if it worked in a way I was more used to, I tried installing a package from the command line, but this also differs from the regular Ubuntu, which asked me to confirm the installation, and gave me details about the required downloads.

    I can force a behaviour that does something like what I want, namely, it uses the cached packages only, but this isn't useful for new installations. (The command line switch in question is --no-download, if I recall, for the apt-get utility)

    So, to summarize, how do I change the functionality of these two programs to the 'Ubuntu way' of doing it?

    Re: Package manager question

    Easy -- just open Konsole and
    sudo apt-get install synaptic
    and you can use the Synaptic GUI.

