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Kubuntu 7.10 freezes

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    Kubuntu 7.10 freezes

    My Kubuntu Gutsy Gibbon now seems to freeze every time I use it. I have removed the nvidia driver. I cannot see anything signifcant in the logs. I have read a couple of threads here about similar problems, but I am not closer to the solution.

    Hope someone can give me a hint.

    Re: Kubuntu 7.10 freezes

    OK, I'll take that challenge (because hints are easy, it's SOLUTIONS that are tough ....)

    Hint #1: When you think it is locked, it isn't. Instead of reaching for that reset button, follow this advice:

    Hint #2: Open a Konsole window and enter
    Top will list your running processes in descending order of resource consumption. Just slide that window down to the corner of your screen where you can keep an eye on it, and when the "freeze" happens, you need to know which process is at the top of the list -- that's the bad boy.

    Hint #3: The Nvidia driver is not known as a resource hog -- probably you didn't help anything by removing it. But you might as well wait until top shows you what is the bad actor before you reinstall the driver.

    Hope this helps!


      Re: Kubuntu 7.10 freezes

      Thanks dibl, I already saw this in another thread, and it did not help me.

      I changes from Dapper a while ago, anmd 7.10 seemed ok for a while. Now it may frezze any time, but it seems like it always happens when I rip a cd and cerate mp3-files


        Re: Kubuntu 7.10 freezes

        I've been battling Xorg freezes for a long time now. Both with Feisty and now Gutsy. For me, it was simply Superkaramba and having more than one widget open. I close the 2nd one before I leave the machine idle for more than a few hours and the freezes have all but disappeared.

        I looked at your advice thread dibl and instead of "r s e i u b", I would only do this much: alt --> SysReq + k. This shuts down X and brings you to the login prompt after a freeze (usually) rather than a full reboot. Of course, that may not unlock the system but it's always worked for me!

        I run Top continuously and I've noticed that Xorg begins to consume more & more memory the longer it runs (probably due to Superkaramba?) so I've gotten in the habit of just logging out, restarting X and then logging back in (rather than reboot) every so often ... about every other day.

        Good luck with your freezes bkv and I do hope you pinpoint your problem. Top and Google are your friends.


          Re: Kubuntu 7.10 freezes

          footer: what kind of graphics hardware are you using? How about drivers?
          I know that the last three releases of the fglrx driver have had an annoying memory leak...
          For external use only.


            Re: Kubuntu 7.10 freezes

            I'm running the restricted nVidia driver that came with Gutsy, ver. 100.14.19. My graphics card is an Albatron GeForce 7600GS w/256MB of RAM (nVidia chipset). How do I determine what release of the fglrx driver I'm using?

            I don't mind the work around (log out, restart X server) but ZERO memory leakage would be even better!



              Re: Kubuntu 7.10 freezes

              Yeah, the fglrx driver if for ATI cards... you don't need to worry about it.
              If Superkaramba widgets seem to be the problem, I'd see what you can do about that (or just go with closing the second one, if that works).
              For external use only.


                [SOLVED] Re: Kubuntu 7.10 freezes

                Well, that's pretty much what I've narrowed it down to on my system. Since I've been closing the 2nd one and just leaving one running, it has yet to freeze up on me.

                Here's a bug report about it:



                  Re: Kubuntu 7.10 freezes

                  Just to sum up: It may have been the graphics card driver after all. I took away the one that came with Kubuntu and installed one that I perviously had downloaded fron NVidia and used with Dapper. My sysetm is stable now


                    Re: Kubuntu 7.10 freezes

                    Excellent -- congratulations!

                    To help others who may search for this problem, could you open your message and edit the title to add "SOLVED", please?


                      Re: Kubuntu 7.10 freezes

                      Just when I thought my system was all right it froze again. Nothing helps but pushing the power-button. I use the machine with XP too and it runs fine.

                      After many years with Ubuntu/Kubuntu it may be time to look for a new distro.

