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Dolphin or D3lphin? [Oddity]

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    Dolphin or D3lphin? [Oddity]

    This is more of an oddity, not an actual problem. With the new file manager, Dolphin

    When the taskbar shows each window separately, they say mp3 - Dolphin (in the case of a directory mp3). But when the windows combine, it says D3lphin [2] (for 2 windows) instead. Why the change of an 'o' to a '3'?
    I am running Ubuntu 8.10 (yes Gnome) with upgrades applied daily about 0900 UK time. Hardware is Dell Precision 420, 2x 800 MHz PIII, 512 MB RDRAM, nVidia GeForce 6800 128 MB AGP graphics, 18GB SCSI and 500GB IDE HDDs, DVD burner, Hauppage TV card.

    Re: Dolphin or D3lphin? [Oddity]

    Any chance you could provide a screenshot? Are you talking about in the title bar?


      Re: Dolphin or D3lphin? [Oddity]

      The program really is called d3lphin. Here's the story:

      The original file manager's name is called Dolphin. When it's creator, Peter Penz, made it, he intended it to be an alternate file manager for KDE 3. So it was a KDE 3 app initially. After some time, it caught the attention of KDE developers, and it was later decided to make Dolphin the default (but not the only) file manager for KDE 4. And so porting Dolphin to KDE 4 began.

      For a time, Dolphin had two official branches, a KDE 3 branch and a KDE 4 branch, both maintained by the same developer. However, it came to a point that he had to focus on KDE 4 exclusively and couldn't make the changes and fixes available for the KDE 3 branch. And so it was decided to stop maintaining the KDE 3 branch.

      Now, another developer, Marcel Juhnke, decided to continue working on the KDE 3 branch, renaming it to D3lphin, to emphasize the fact that it's Dolphin for KDE 3 and that it's a fork of the original Dolphin. It contains a few bugfixes and some features that try to apply some of Dolphin's (the one on KDE 4) basic features.

      Some Kubuntu developers decided to help make Kubuntu users' transition to KDE 4 a bit easier, by introducing some KDE 4 features in KDE 3, like Dolphin and Strigi. So it was decided to use D3lphin on Kubuntu 7.10 by default, except renamed to Dolphin.

      That's basically the story. Although it's probably a bug that it shows D3lphin when grouped in the taskbar together. If you could provide a screenshot or even a bug report for it, that would be great.
      Jucato's Data Core


        Re: Dolphin or D3lphin? [Oddity]

        Thanks for that informative discussion of Dolphin Jucato! I didn't know the half of that. I've pretty much always been a fan of Konqueror for file management but have started using Dolphin a bit more lately. I love the tab functionality of Konqueror though and I don't really see how to do that in Dolphin so may just stick with Konqueror down the road. I'm sure Dolphin has it's place though as the developers of Ubuntu/KDE obviously feel strongly about it.


