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System Settings Administrator mode broken

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    System Settings Administrator mode broken

    When I press Administrator mode in System Settings, it just comes right back again, with no administrator privileges. I have searched the forums (and ubuntuforums) and this problem seems to HAVE BEEN common (pre kde 3.5). I have it on a fresh install of Kubuntu Gutsy Gibbon. This is the log:

    It looks like dcopserver is already running. If you are sure
    that it is not already running, remove /root/.DCOPserver_brutus__0
    and start dcopserver again.

    WARNING: Waiting for already running klauncher to exit.
    WARNING: Waiting for already running klauncher to exit.
    WARNING: Another instance of klauncher is already running!
    kdeinit: Communication error with launcher. Exiting!
    kio (KSycoca): ERROR: No database available!
    kio (KSycoca): ERROR: No database available!
    kio (KSycoca): ERROR: No database available!
    kio (KSycoca): ERROR: No database available!
    kcmshell (kdelibs): WARNING: Could not find module 'System/<whatevermoduleiwaspressing>'.

    Restarting the DCOP-server had no effect (/usr/bin/dcopsever_shutdown followed by /usr/bin/dcopserver). Also the file it is complaining about does not exist. Please help!


    Re: System Settings Administrator mode broken

    I just tried a complete Kubuntu reinstall followed by apt-get update and upgrade. Nothing else. Same problem. Running "kdesu systemsettings" complains something about a DCOP-problem. I think it is just a matter of time until this problem pops up everywhere, probably the latest update.



      Re: System Settings Administrator mode broken

      Try doing kdesudo instead of kdesu.
      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
      4 GB Ram
      Kubuntu 18.10


        Re: System Settings Administrator mode broken

        Thanks, but you are supposed to be able to start system settings from the menu...



          Re: System Settings Administrator mode broken

          I know but gutsy changed kdessu to kdesudo.
          Any way, one question: do you have /home/user on a separate partition? If so it could be that your use/.kde is borked somehow .kde is a hidden file so you have to activate hidden files in konqueror/dolphin in the view option.

          Try backing up all your addressbooks, calanders, emails, etc and deleting .kde from /user. Rebooting will generate a new .kde with the default settings.
          HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
          4 GB Ram
          Kubuntu 18.10


            Re: System Settings Administrator mode broken

            Hello, thanks for sticking with me. As I said this is a clean install, and I have the whole installation on one partition (+ swap, in other words a default installation).

            How to reproduce on my computer:
            1. Install Kubuntu, a clean installation
            2. Log in
            3. Open Konsole and write apt-get update and apt-get upgrade
            4. wait
            5. restart computer
            6. Log in and start System Settings from menu
            7. Go into network settings and press Administrator -- nothing happens.

            I know this becuase I just did it again. Starting systemsettings from Konsole shows the error messages in the first message I wrote.



              Re: System Settings Administrator mode broken

              Okay, well it was just a thought. do you have kcontrol (the default kde system settings gui) installed? If not do
              sudo apt-get install kcontrol
              and start it with alt|f2-> kcontrol. Have a look if all the modules start in admin mode as they should.

              I have a sinking feeling that it is a sudoers problem.

              EDIT: another thought: Is your user in the admin group?

              You could do this with:
              sudo adduser <username> <groupname>
              HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
              4 GB Ram
              Kubuntu 18.10


                Re: System Settings Administrator mode broken


                I got exactly the same problem also with Gutsy and I solved it by using the command:

                sudo kcontrol
                If you don't want to open a shell, you can also do the following:

                - Open the K-menu
                - Rigth click on "System Settings"
                - Choose "Edit Items"
                - Replace the existing input in the field command by "kcontrol"
                - Check the box "Run as a different user"
                - Enter "root" as username

                Now you should be able to use Kcontrol in admin mode...


                  Re: System Settings Administrator mode broken

                  Originally posted by momomimachli
                  sudo kcontrol
                  Never run a GUI app with sudo. Use kdesu.
                  Rule of thumb: if it connects to the X server, it gets kdesu.
                  For external use only.


                    Re: System Settings Administrator mode broken

                    Originally posted by momomimachli

                    I got exactly the same problem also with Gutsy and I solved it by using the command:

                    sudo kcontrol
                    If you don't want to open a shell, you can also do the following:

                    - Open the K-menu
                    - Rigth click on "System Settings"
                    - Choose "Edit Items"
                    - Replace the existing input in the field command by "kcontrol"
                    - Check the box "Run as a different user"
                    - Enter "root" as username

                    Now you should be able to use Kcontrol in admin mode...
                    This works, but is a hack. This should be working via the Administrator button. I can confirm the problem on a AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ with a G71 [GeForce 7300 GS]. Fresh install. have just started updating. Now I have to figure out how to report a bug. And replace sudo with kdesudo.


                      Re: System Settings Administrator mode broken

                      anyone have an update on this if it's going to be fixed or not?

                      Beginning to really think that Kubuntu is falling behind...



                        Re: System Settings Administrator mode broken

                        I had that same problem back in the days of Breezy 5.10. I fixed it adding my username in the /etc/sudoers file... somehow it was missing from there. Remember to use the command visudo to edit that file.


                          Re: System Settings Administrator mode broken

                          I have the same problem - administrator mode is not working (fresh install, not upgrade, no crazy settings).

                          I can change the settings I want in the terminal, but in the GUI after entering a password for entering administrator mode in system settings or similar, it just puts me back to the previous window (i.e. as if nothing had happened, no administrator access).

                          I'm afraid that the bug prevalent in kde 3.4 came back .
                          Hope it gets fixed eventually.

                          One thing that used to work in kde 3.4 times is to restart the DCOP:

                          sudo bash

                          I'll try it eventually, might work (not at the computer with the bug at the moment).


                            Re: System Settings Administrator mode broken

                            Same problem, but upgrade. Tried some of the suggested fixes. Nothing stuck. Or I should say Video still stuck on 1280 x 960 instead of 1280 x 1024.
                            Oh well, I will use KDE 3.5 until I see an update to fix this.


                              Re: System Settings Administrator mode broken

                              Back from the dead. I just finally switched to linux after I switched my MB and windows complained about needing reactivated. Fresh install of Gutsty, then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop. I have the administrator mode bug and it's annoying. I can sudo kcontrol, but I don't like the gui not working properly. I don't understand how to edit the sudoers file; I'm a complete linux noob. Running sudo visudo in /etc prints out

                              # /etc/sudoers
                              # This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
                              # See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.
                              # Defaults

                              Defaults !lecture,tty_tickets,!fqdn

                              # Uncomment to allow members of group sudo to not need a password
                              # %sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL

                              # Host alias specification

                              # User alias specification

                              # Cmnd alias specification

                              # User privilege specification
                              root ALL=(ALL) ALL

                              # Members of the admin group may gain root privileges
                              %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL

