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Opera and OpenOffice don't start

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    Opera and OpenOffice don't start

    Suddenly today, both Opera (a great web browser) and OpenOffice fail to start.

    $ opera
    Floating point exception (core dumped)


    The splash screen appears,
    then the KDE crash handler appears over the splash screen,
    I then click close and crash handler disappears,
    then the OpenOffice splash screen disappears.

    From the console,
    $ ooffice -writer
    KCrash: Application 'soffice.bin' crashing...
    ** (process:7863): WARNING **: Unknown error forking main binary / abnormal early exit ...
    and the following from KDE crasher, I've removed some (no debugging symbols found) lines.

    (no debugging symbols found)
    Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/".
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
    [New Thread -1249253696 (LWP 7880)]
    (no debugging symbols found)
    (no debugging symbols found)
    [KCrash handler]
    #6 0xb4ac5b97 in SalDisplay::Init ()
    from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
    #7 0xb4ac72dc in SalX11Display::SalX11Display ()
    from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
    #8 0xb5856db1 in ?? ()
    from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
    #9 0x080efc18 in ?? ()
    #10 0x080bb1e8 in ?? ()
    #11 0x00000000 in ?? ()

    Re: Opera and OpenOffice don't start

    I have now removed the .opera config folder from home, I now see the following when I use the console
    ~$ opera
    ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
    ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
    Floating point exception (core dumped)


      Re: Opera and OpenOffice don't start

      This is most odd.

      I finally restarted the PC and now both Opera and OpenOffice work. The size of the type in Adept was very small (almost unreadable), now it looks fine, back to it's usual size.

      This is how Windows usually behaves, I thought Linux was better

      I have restored the .opera folder in home, but Opera is still causing the same errors from the console
      $ opera %u
      ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
      ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
      I'll ask Opera about this problem


        Re: Opera and OpenOffice don't start

        Have you changed anything since the last time you ran Opera/OO.o? Even going back to the last time you started your system?



          Re: Opera and OpenOffice don't start

          Last night I managed to press ctrl, alt and F4 at the same time (I was trying to kill Super Tux).

          Instead of logging in I turned the PC off. When I started up this morning Kubuntu performed its regular disk scan. I got bored watching the line move across the screen (it's a 500GB HD) and wandered off.

          When I came back, the usual login screen had appeared, so I entered my password. The text on the login screen and the text under the desktop icons all looked a bit smaller than usual.

          Between login and discovering the Opera/OO.o problem I had checked my emails, applied an update of WINE and played an hour of Urban Terror.

          It was whilst using Adept to update WINE that I noticed the type size was a lot smaller than usual. I then looked at the desktop and that text also looked smaller.

          I went to system settings / appearance / fonts and adjusted all the fonts from 11pt to 12pt. The desktop type increased in size, but Adept's didn't (even when reopened).

          It was after this that I tried OO and then Opera. Eventually I had to drag Konqueror out of retirement and ask for help.


            Re: Opera and OpenOffice don't start

            I have found something that might help. It relates to java.


            Which makes sense, OO.o uses java and so does Opera. Something was probably corrupted or broken with java. Search through Adept for all the java packages you have installed. I recommend removing then reinstalling them.



              Re: Opera and OpenOffice don't start

              Thanks for the link.

              After the restart OO started OK, I managed to complete the task at hand and then turned my attention to Opera. Oddly Opera had also started to work, but running it from the console still gave the same two errors.
              ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
              ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
              I have now had a fiddle with Adept and the Java packages installed, the above errors have gone, but have been replaced by some others.


                Re: Opera and OpenOffice don't start

                And those others are...?
                For external use only.


                  Re: Opera and OpenOffice don't start

                  Ah, yes, well ....

                  I don't know.

                  Yeserday when I started Opera from the console, the new messages were something about Shockwave / Flash and Adobe with some numbers and locations.

                  I have recently restarted the PC, today Opera via the console
                  $ opera
                  opera: Plug-in 6006 is not responding. It will be closed.
                  opera: Define environment variable OPERA_KEEP_BLOCKED_PLUGIN to keep blocked plug-ins.

