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What is the thing u want or expect in HARDY HERON(next release)??

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    What is the thing u want or expect in HARDY HERON(next release)??

    As u people know hardy heron code name for *ubuntu 8 which is likely to get released in april 2008.

    And the surprising thing is that it is wearing LTS. , I.E, A LONG TERM SUPPORT(updates,bug fixes etc) to continue for a period of 3 years and 5 years on the server.

    Discuss abt wat u feel that is missing in kubuntu , and wat do u expect the hardy heron to offer in future.

    Re: What is the thing u want or expect in HARDY HERON(next release)??

    1 ) If a user attempts to play an unsupported media format, instead of popping up a window that states only that the media format is unsupported, pop up a window (like Ubufox) declaring the format is unsupported and prompt the user whether he would like to install the needed codec(s) and if he would like to enable any needed repositories that aren't enabled.  If the codec(s) aren't in the standard *buntu repos, then prompt the user as to whether he would like to install the Medibuntu repository to acquire the needed codec(s) (maybe include the explanation why Medibuntu is not included by default).

    2 ) Automatically remove (or comment out) the installation CD from the list of repos ( /etc/apt/sources.list ).

    3 ) Include the build-essential package by default.

    4) Include a list of basic terminal commands and an easy-to-understand explanation of each.

    5 ) Automatically detect connected devices (such as printers, mice, keyboards, etc.) and prompt the user if he would like to take the appropriate steps to install/configure them, providing a graphical means to do so (such as configure xorg.conf to use the "evdev" USB mouse driver or use Keytouch to set up his keyboard).

    6 ) Maybe provide Wine by default along with an explanation of its purpose and how to use it.

    7 ) KDE4 should be released by then, so ask the user whether he would like to use the stable KDE3.x or the new KDE4.

    8 ) Compiz-Fusion was supposed to be included by default, but was not with either my Live CD or Alt. CD (maybe just a fluke ).  That doesn't matter, it wasn't at all hard installing it manually.  So anyway, include CF by default, and if the user's hardware supports it, prompt him whether he would like to enable it.

    9 ) Nvidia's driver supports CF by default, but ATI's doesn't; maybe include the ATI patch developed for Envy to fix the problem.  I would even suggest including Envy for both Nvidia and ATI drivers because of its ease of use and efficiency.

    - That's all for now, I'll post more as I think of them
    Asus G1S-X3:
    Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


      Re: What is the thing u want or expect in HARDY HERON(next release)??

      Yes some of intregre8 views are really essential.


      I am a fan of wine becoz i dual boot linux and windows. And i agree wid integre8 that wine is included by default. becoz here is an example:,

      I've installed kubuntu on my friends system. For him to access the net , the lan card driver another software known as online client which are both linux as well as windows supported are to be installed.

      The installations given in the readme files in those softwares are complex. Thus installation at the terminal makes a newbie at the start to go mad. So if wine was included by default it would hav been easy to install those softwares through wine.


        Re: What is the thing u want or expect in HARDY HERON(next release)??

        I agree with pretty much everything integr8e said. I don't want to include Envy (packages should just work), but the other things would be high on my own list. I also wouldn't comment out the installation CD, but I might make a way to easily make it a last-resort as a source (I use the DVD to install to relatives machines with only a 56k dial-up , so the local packages are nice).

        I would add my desire to make Yakuake a default replacement for console, if not for the Yakuake vs. Compiz bug that continues to crash the X server for a lot of people (including me ) when using multiple shell tabs.

        Maybe Kubuntu should give the option of installing Java and Flash plugins to the browser from the get-go. And being able to say choose that the default browser is Firefox or Opera, not Konqueror (Nothing against Konqueror... I just usually have better luck with my particular sites and Firefox).

        In fact, it would be nice to have a page at installation that lets you choose/prioritize all the browsers and media players you want to install, and then their mime type associations would get ordered according to your choices.. rather than you having to reorder everything yourself after you install them.

        Dump Strigi as a default: I disabled Kat on Mandriva, I disabled the fast indexing on Windows.... Am I the only one that never uses these things but constantly sees them eating processor/disk cycles? I don't think these utilities do anything except encourage you to be lazy with your personal folder structures.
        Specs:  Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (@3Ghz), G.SKILL 4GB DDR2 1066, ASUS Striker II Formula MB, Asus EN9800GTX+ Dark Knight, ABS Tagan BZ800 PS, Antec 900 Case.


          Re: What is the thing u want or expect in HARDY HERON(next release)??

          Originally posted by 3vi1
          Am I the only one that never uses these things but constantly sees them eating processor/disk cycles?
          Nope--I do the same. On Windows (and here on Kubuntu, actually) I also make it a habit to disable things like menu fade-in, cursor shadows, etc. Pointless waste of processor time. I like a cleaner GUI.
          For external use only.


            Re: What is the thing u want or expect in HARDY HERON(next release)??

            And being able to say choose that the default browser is Firefox or Opera, not Konqueror (Nothing against Konqueror... I just usually have better luck with my particular sites and Firefox).
            ya default browser should be firefox .Firefox is great with its ultimate plugins and even orkut is not supported through konqueror.


              Re: What is the thing u want or expect in HARDY HERON(next release)??

              Did any one try kde 4.(beta version) I hav downloaded it. How to install it??


                Re: What is the thing u want or expect in HARDY HERON(next release)??

                I would strongly suggest against installing the KDE4 beta, there are too many KDE4 horror stories to chance it. If you must see what it's like, try any one of the Live CD's, just don't install it. Currently, as I read anyway, KDE4 is very unstable, so for now, it's a no go.
                Asus G1S-X3:
                Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


                  Re: What is the thing u want or expect in HARDY HERON(next release)??

                  It's not THAT surprising Hardy will be LTS - either it or I* has to be to give time for people to migrate from Dapper.

                  Since it is LTS:

                  Able to do a dist-upgrade FROM DAPPER. I appreciate this may be very difficult to make work, but it would be helpful. I'd go so far as to say Dapper > Hardy is more important than Gutsy > Hardy.

                  Failing that, and indeed generally nice: An installer that checks what is present on a currently installed *ubuntu, and as much as possible, preserves the packages chosen before, and configuration.

                  After release, BREAK NOTHING. I still remember the update that broke the X-server (that may have been back in the breezy days). DON'T DO THAT AGAIN! It's acceptable (but not wanted) if an obscure package doesn't work right at release, but don't issue updates that cause breakage.

                  Apt-get rollback. The ability to easily reverse a previous package installation or update. Ideally even from the LiveCD. So that if any broken updates DO slip through, the issue can be fixed readily.

                  Possibly install a firewall frontend by default (and enable it). The problem is what to use. Firestarter is ideal for desktops but inadequate for more complex purposes, others have the opposite problem. OTOH are software firewalls much use unless you're looking to do fancy stuff (eg limiting access to given IPs, traffic shaping)?

                  Other nice things:

                  Better-looking GTK widget style, the default is ugly. EDIT: At least it is when running GTK apps in Kubuntu. I've a feeling it's better in gnome itself.

                  Some easy way to make Firefox less of a memory hog.

                  If installer detects low RAM for Ubuntu or Kubuntu install, warn of this, and suggest the user install Xubuntu or a command line system instead.

                  Fluxbuntu to become a 'main' project, along with U~, Ku~, Xu~, Edu~ and Go~. Obviously this is down to the fluxbuntu people. At the very least, a fluxbuntu-desktop package.
                  I am running Ubuntu 8.10 (yes Gnome) with upgrades applied daily about 0900 UK time. Hardware is Dell Precision 420, 2x 800 MHz PIII, 512 MB RDRAM, nVidia GeForce 6800 128 MB AGP graphics, 18GB SCSI and 500GB IDE HDDs, DVD burner, Hauppage TV card.


                    Re: What is the thing u want or expect in HARDY HERON(next release)??

                    Hardy Heron Alpha 1 is out


                    Hardy Alpha 1 released





                    Blueprints for Hardy
                    Before you edit, BACKUP !

                    Why there are dead links ?
                    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                    2. Thread: Lost Information


                      Re: What is the thing u want or expect in HARDY HERON(next release)??

                      1) Its coming. At least for kaffeine (to work in same way as amarok does mp3). And with dvd support to follow in similar fashion.
                      and improve bluetooth tools which is my number one wish.

                      3) I disagree, I imagine build-essential is not used by most users and those that do wish to use it are more than aware how to go about adding it.

                      4) Again I disagree, which commands are you referring too? The basic ones like cd & rm are the ones people are least likely to ever use because that stuff is so easy with a gui. And the ones people may need like sudo kwrite /boot/grub/menu.lst or sudo kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf are really just for troubleshooting and not exactly basic need to know commands.

                      6) Once again I disagree. Most users should never need wine and so including it in the install is excesive. It is already very well supported, being in the repos and with its own entry in system settings. Not to mention if you are serious about using some windows programs virtualization is another great option nowadays.

                      7) Its being done, there are to be two versions of kubuntu hardy, one LTS and one KDE4.


                        Re: What is the thing u want or expect in HARDY HERON(next release)??

                        Originally posted by cantab
                        Able to do a dist-upgrade FROM DAPPER. I appreciate this may be very difficult to make work, but it would be helpful. I'd go so far as to say Dapper > Hardy is more important than Gutsy > Hardy.
                        LTS->LTS dist-upgades are supported (at least they should be)


                          Re: What is the thing u want or expect in HARDY HERON(next release)??

                          @marshallbanana, I understand where you're coming from; I guess that's one thing that keeps life interesting, the fact that two people can look at the same issue and see it differently.

                          Anyway, I have a few more suggestions to be thrashed ():

                          1 ) Warn the user if he attempts to remove critical software and prompt him for confirmation

                          2 ) Better organize the KMenu to sort applications alphabetically or categorically

                          3 ) I've found an application called Setup that supposedly allows users to easily, graphically configure their xorg.conf for their hardware, and has a high rating on, but I'm having a little trouble installing it to see how well it works. If I figure it out, I'll let y'all know if I think it should be supported by Kubuntu (maybe go along with my previous #5 post).

                          4 ) Port BulletProofX (or the like) to KDM

                          5 ) I'll add this one later (when I think of it )
                          Asus G1S-X3:
                          Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


                            Re: What is the thing u want or expect in HARDY HERON(next release)??

                            Originally posted by marshallbanana
                            6) Once again I disagree. Most users should never need wine and so including it in the install is excesive. It is already very well supported, being in the repos and with its own entry in system settings. Not to mention if you are serious about using some windows programs virtualization is another great option nowadays.
                            If i may say so, many new users will be coming predominantly from a Microsoft Windows background, and will probably have Windows programs which they will want to use.

                            To be honest, i think that it would be more important to have Wine (by default) than Compiz, or any other eye-candy which can be easily installed from the repos -- if the user wants it.
                            Alright - it's not a Big Deal to install Wine - but faced with a choice, a 3D desktop or something really, really useful - i know which i'd be inclined to want, especially if i knew nothing about KDE and what's in the repos -- and no idea of how to get it....


                              Re: What is the thing u want or expect in HARDY HERON(next release)??

                              Originally posted by integr8e
                              2 ) Automatically remove (or comment out) the installation CD from the list of repos ( /etc/apt/sources.list ).
                              Bad idea, this is a frequent question. Until wireless is 99.9% supported this should be left the way it is. It can be inconvenient, but even a noob is smart enough to put a CD/DVD in no matter how inconvenient.

