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Why Windows is Better

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    Re: Why Windows is Better

    I agree. Windows and Linux each have distinct advantages and uses, which is why I routinely use both. Windows has compadability and ease of use. You can slam in drives in and out and it just mounts and unmounts them automatically, whereas linux requires manual commands and setup. Windows is more convenient (and usually faster) but sometimes it can miss what its actually loading drivers for and it won't work at all. Linux takes more work, but 9 times out of 10, I've found the end result is more satisfying.

    I keep windows because I'm going to school right now and most of my work is just easier done in Windows. But I also use OpenOffice so I can transfer papers and the like to my linux machine easily so I can do it on my bed, not to mention I don't feel like dumping 450 bucks on something I can get for free.

    Windows biggest upside is games though, and thats why my primary rig will probably always be a Windows only machine. My laptop runs a dualboot of Vista HP and Kubuntu 7.04, and I also have a re purposed VIAO desktop connected to my TV running the same distro (oddly enough, running better than it ever did with Windows). I'm new but I'm learning, and I have to admit, I'm having a lot of fun doing it. Does that mean I'm going to switch to all linux? No. I need Windows for the time being, so I'll put up with its flaws, and besides, some days, you just want to plug in a thumbdrive without having to manually mount it.

    My point of this long rant here is that theres no need for Windows users and Linux users to be bickering as much as we tend to do. Both of our OSes have upsides and downsides. Windows sucks resources like a whore, and linux isn't nearly as easy to use as Windows on most things.


      Re: Why Windows is Better
      this fix is for a newer version of k3b to be in Hardy Heron, dunno if it could be backported to Gutsy


        Re: Why Windows is Better

        Backport requested by moi:

        Be happy

