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Why Windows is Better

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    Re: Why Windows is Better

    Also, just for kicks...

    if you go to an Apple site and title a post "Why Linux is better", you can feel abused and misunderstood at the responses.

    They're so negative....... what is their problem?


      Re: Why Windows is Better

      Originally posted by Frustrated
      This is precisely the elitist attitude that is the primary flaw in community driven support. This is also the exact type of response I already complained about in this post.
      Originally posted by marshallbanana
      Oh, as for SheeEEttin's post it was a bit over the top but I imagine it was made in the heat of the moment, being annoyed that your first post on this forum was not asking us to try and help you solve your problems with m4a support but instead insulting the os that the users of this forum give freely of their time to support. Hope the above linked post about Lsong is enough to convince you to have another go with kubuntu.
      I was neither being elitist nor was I annoyed.
      The "elitist attitude" you interpreted was only me trying to explain to you that, as I said, things do not "just happen". Someone needs to make them happen. I also mentioned that that person could be you.

      Well, all right, maybe I was slightly annoyed... But still. You can't get something for nothing here.

      So, as such stand your choices: Transcode your audio to another format, buy audio from another source, implement MP4/M4A in K3b, or pester people about it until they ignore you. (Hint: you don't want the last one.)

      Addendum: In writing this post, Frustrated posted that last one.
      I mentioned MP4. M4A and MP4s are the same thing.

      Addendum #2 (to gilf): Quit typing so fast! >
      For external use only.


        Re: Why Windows is Better

        Check out wikibedia some time:

        .MP4 versus .M4A file extensions

        The existence of two different file extensions for naming audio-only MP4 files has been a source of confusion among users and multimedia playback software. Since MPEG-4 Part 14 is a container format, MP4 files may contain any number of audio, video, and even subtitle streams, making it impossible to determine the type of streams in an MP4 file based on its filename extension alone. In response, Apple Inc. started using and popularizing the .m4a file extension. Software capable of audio/video playback should recognize files with either .m4a or .mp4 file extensions, as would be expected, as there are no file format differences between the two. Most software capable of creating MPEG-4 audio will allow the user to choose the filename extension of the created MPEG-4 files.

        While the only official file extension defined by the standard is .mp4, various file extensions are commonly used to indicate intended content:

        * Audio-only MP4 files generally have a .m4a extension.
        o MP4 files with audio streams encrypted by FairPlay Digital Rights Management as sold through the iTunes Store use the .m4p extension.
        o Audio book and podcast files, which also contain metadata including chapter markers, images, and hyperlinks, can use the extension .m4a, but more commonly use the .m4b extension. An m4a audio file does not "bookmark" (remember the last listening spot) on an iPod, whereas m4b extension files do. Users can rename mp4 m4a file extensions m4b to activate this and faster listen iPod features.
        * MP4 files with audio and video generally use the .mp4 and .m4v extensions, occasionally .mp4v. To add to confusion sometimes raw MPEG-4 Visual bitstreams are named .m4v.
        * Mobile phones use 3GP, a simplified version of MPEG-4 Part 12 (a.k.a MPEG-4/JPEG2000 ISO Base Media file format, MPEG-4 Part 14 is a derivative of the standard from ISO Base file format too), with the .3gp and .3g2 extensions. These files also store non-MPEG-4 data (H.263, AMR, TX3G).

        The common, but non-standard use of the extensions .m4a and .m4v is due to the popularity of Apple's iPod and the iTunes Store.


          Re: Why Windows is Better

          The post gilf just made would certainly solidify my reasoning for standards. Proprietary formats are used to force users to stay with a certain company's product. Standards are better. Whether that's web site standards, document standards or as in this case here, audio file formats. Apple chose a different standard. Why?



            Re: Why Windows is Better

            I was neither being elitist nor was I annoyed.
            Noone thinks they are being elitist. It doesn't mean they aren't being elitist. Or at least sound elitist...

            Saying things like "because one person complains about it" (paraphrasing) is the elitist attitude I am talking about. A quick google search for "burn .m4a KDE" will give you plenty of people complaining about it. The elitist attitude I am talking about is sitting on your marble throne and thinking to yourself, gee, I dont use .m4a so Linux is better off not supporting it. No one else should be using .m4a either.

            Ubuntu has the potential to be the next "switch" OS (you know, like the old apple commercials). That being the case, you think people coming from windows or apple to Kubuntu should just be left out in the cold with their existing m4a or wma libraries? Its seems like a good way to alienate a large group of potential users. Especially since listening to music on a computer isn't exactly "underground" anymore. I know plenty of casual 'puter users who only have it for email and music.


              Re: Why Windows is Better



                Re: Why Windows is Better



                  Re: Why Windows is Better

                  First Link:
                  Falls under my complaint of everyone just tells you to convert your library. Sloppy way to do it.

                  Second Link:
                  From the article:
                  Note that this only allows you to create .MP4 files - it does not allow you to decode them so that they can be burnt to a CD.
                  I had done my homework and already found those before starting this thread.

                  Also, that supports my theory that I am not some kind of freakish outsider for possessing m4a files...


                    Re: Why Windows is Better

                    You're right Windows is better.

                    good luck


                      Re: Why Windows is Better


                      I appreciate the attempts.


                        Re: Why Windows is Better

                        Originally posted by Frustrated

                        The elitist attitude I am talking about is sitting on your marble throne and thinking to yourself, gee, I dont use .m4a so Linux is better off not supporting it. No one else should be using .m4a either.

                        Ubuntu has the potential to be the next "switch" OS (you know, like the old apple commercials). That being the case, you think people coming from windows or apple to Kubuntu should just be left out in the cold with their existing m4a or wma libraries?
                        Really, speaking of "over the top", no one has been confirmed to be sitting on any marble thrones and no one has suggested that anyone be left out in any cold. C'mon -- how about a little objectivity here?

                        Linux is, first and foremost, about freedom (the non-restricted, non-licensed, non-drm'd kind, even more than the economic kind). You love your .mp4s -- GREAT! You are free to do so, and to spend your time and $$ on all the stuff it takes to play 'em, copy 'em, register your tools, or whatever. But don't come on a free Linux forum, populated by non-compensated enthusiasts who are actually willing to help you (to the extent it is possible), and claim to know the attitudes, character, or intentions of an entire community of people. That's just exposing a lot of ignorance, really. >


                          Re: Why Windows is Better

                          You love your .mp4s -- GREAT!
                          I don't love em right now...

                          or intentions of an entire community of people
                          Didn't make any generalizations. Just that one guy came across as the stereotype condescending linux jerk.

                          It wouldn't be too far off to make that generalization though. Do a search and see how much help other people have gotten with this problem. A post, maybe 2? I get 2 pages in less than 10 hours.

                          Like I said before, the condescending attitude of these same enthusiasts can be the community support model's biggest drawback. I throw up some flamebait and get a lot more support than the people whow ask nicely. I got several potential solutions (2 of which were nowhere to be found in others similar, less controversial posts) plus we all got a good and stimulating conversation from it.


                            Re: Why Windows is Better

                            Go on a vegetarian forum and say how meat tastes the best and nothing will beat it.

                            See how many good recipes you get from it...


                              Re: Why Windows is Better

                              The elitist attitude I am talking about is sitting on your marble throne and thinking to yourself, gee, I don't use .m4a so Linux is better off not supporting it. No one else should be using .m4a either.
                              Your missing the point completely the attitude isn't that no one else should be using them either, it's that I'm not going to waste my time writing code to support something I don't use. I don't think you'll find this really any different from commercial OS/applications. I doubt you will find apple putting alot of effort into making wmv files easy to use or microsoft .m4a. I imagine you are using apple's itunes for m4a's on windows. Microsoft had nothing to do with that just like ubuntu would have nothing to do with it if apple wrote an itunes that worked on it.


                                Re: Why Windows is Better

                                Who cares if wndows is better??
                                In a few years time the whole Idea of interfacing with our files, work, and the net through a desk- / laptop will be redundant. We will be wearing our computer and the main question will be which color are we feeling like on a given day. That and the premise that windows will probably not even be an option. For chr.... sake they can't even make a decent mobile phone OS.

                                So again just for the hell or it: Who cares??
                                HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                                4 GB Ram
                                Kubuntu 18.10

