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KDE 4 RC1...w00t

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    Re: KDE 4 RC1...w00t

    Originally posted by Fintan
    I just installed it according to the instructions and run it from kdm. Looks real nice. Not finished but nice.
    All packages were installed from synaptic, I got an error as well. Ignored it and continued. Put the lines
    * export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/lib
    * export KDEDIRS=/usr/lib/kde4
    * export PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/bin/:$PATH
    * export KDEHOME=~/.kde4
    just underneath the#bash in:
    you have to open that with kate in root.

    Easy peasy and very sweet
    Used this and got it running easily. Dont forget to make a startup session though. Ive yet to mess around with it.
    Kubuntu Gutsy Gibbon - Registered Linux User--> # 15709


      Re: KDE 4 RC1...w00t

      ok can anyone tell me how to get around the error
      could not start kstartupconfig4
      or possibly give some more detailed instructions. I have followed the instructions for adding the kde session and I modified the startkde to have the export lines at the top, but it all seems to be in vain. One thing I do find strange is that one person mentioned putting the export lines after #bash, but the script that got installed on my system has #/bin/sh not bash. I'll love to have a look at kde4, but the kdm session method doesn't seem to be working for me and there is no where near enough info on the second method.

      I'd appreciate anything to point me in the right direction.


        Re: KDE 4 RC1...w00t

        This is what the very top of your
        should look like:

        # DEFAULT KDE STARTUP SCRIPT ( 3.96.00 (KDE 4.0 Beta4) )
        * export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/lib
        * export KDEDIRS=/usr/lib/kde4
        * export PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/bin/:$PATH
        * export KDEHOME=~/.kde4
        one person mentioned putting the export lines after #bash, but the script that got installed on my system has #/bin/sh not bash.
        Sorry about that. I did a typo
        The above top of the
        is correct
        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
        4 GB Ram
        Kubuntu 18.10


          Re: KDE 4 RC1...w00t

          well copied and pasted from your post and I still only get a box that says

          Could not start kstartupconfig4. Check your installation.
          with an ok button when you click it takes you back to login.


            Re: KDE 4 RC1...w00t

            I installed in too and I am really surprised how much of work they made. Some applications even look faster than in KDE3, for example Firefox


              Re: KDE 4 RC1...w00t

              This is how i did (do) it: a.k.a ten steps:

              1) Remove old packages:
              sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5
              sudo apt-get autoremove

              2) Remove or rename old ./kde4 folder.

              3) Add deb gutsy main to sources.

              4) Install kdebase-dev-kde4 kdebase-workspace-dev kdebase-runtime (+ lot of other kde4 packages)

              Note !
              In the first time i needed to run KDE4 in the xephyr window. Full session didn't fire up before i had run xephyr-session once.

              5) Install xserver-xephyr and xterm

              6) In the konsole:
              :~$ Xephyr :1 -screen 1680x1050 & export DISPLAY=:1; xterm
              1680x1050 is my display native resolution.

              7) In the Xterm:
              export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/lib
              export KDEDIRS=/usr/lib/kde4
              export PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/bin/:$PATH
              export KDEHOME=~/.kde4
              8) copy /usr/lib/kde4/share/kde4/apps/kdm/sessions/kde.desktop to /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop:
              sudo cp /usr/lib/kde4/share/kde4/apps/kdm/sessions/kde.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop
              9) Alt + F2 : kdesudo kate /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop

              Name=KDE -> Name=KDE4

              export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/lib
              export KDEDIR=/usr/lib/kde4
              export PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/bin/:$PATH
              export KDEHOME=~/.kde4

              So, kde4.desktop:
              [Desktop Entry]
              export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/lib
              export KDEDIRS=/usr/lib/kde4
              export PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/bin/:$PATH
              export KDEHOME=~/.kde4
              10) Log out, choose kde4 session, log in....


              KDE 4 RC 1

              Topic: KDE 4 Beta 3 Majorly Broken

              About kdm / kdm-kde4

              Default display manager after installation (konsole):
              :~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm
              :~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm-kde4
              Installation will ask:

              Attached Files
              Before you edit, BACKUP !

              Why there are dead links ?
              1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
              2. Thread: Lost Information


                Re: KDE 4 RC1...w00t

                1.How do we change the wallpaper?
                copying over the existing one is an option, but is there a GUI way?

                2. No icons on desktop with plasma, or am I missing something?

                P.S. I tried posting here with the new Konqueror and failed. The old one at least works
                Join the dark side<br />---------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Samsung NC10 netbook running<br />PCLinuxOS 2010 // Win XP


                  Re: KDE 4 RC1...w00t

                  Has anyone got composition in kwin to work?


                    Re: KDE 4 RC1...w00t

                    Rog131- thanks for the step-by-step guide...unfortunately I haven't got it working yet either in xterm or as a full session. Not sure what I'm doing wrong but I wish there was easier way of trying KDE4 full-speed i.e. not the livecd

                    I've run through the steps a few times, remembering to delete the .kde4 folder in my home folder.

                    I appear to have problems with step 7 and 8

                    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/lib
                    export KDEDIRS=/usr/lib/kde4
                    export PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/bin/:$PATH
                    export KDEHOME=~/.kde4

                    Having typed these commands into the xterm I get errors (though I can't copy and paste them). It appears that certain files don't exist to be cat or grepped

                    Step 8:

                    copy /usr/lib/kde4/share/kde4/apps/kdm/sessions/kde.desktop to /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop:

                    sudo cp /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/kdm/sessions/kde.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop

                    Well I tried this next step anyway and the /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps folder doesn't exist.

                    It appears that others have got this working but it has me beat. Any ideas folks?


                      Re: KDE 4 RC1...w00t

                      I'm in! I think kdm-kde4 errors were responsible for my probs. Just needed to configure kdm before installing kdm-kde4...


                        Re: KDE 4 RC1...w00t

                        Originally posted by jackuess
                        Has anyone got composition in kwin to work?
                        Ive been trying but i get nothing and most of the efects are enabled. Has anyone got it working?
                        Kubuntu Gutsy Gibbon - Registered Linux User--&gt; # 15709


                          Re: KDE 4 RC1...w00t

                          To run it as a full session install kdm-kde4 and copy /usr/lib/kde4/share/kde4/apps/kdm/sessions/kde.desktop to /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop, edit the Name entry in kde4.desktop to be called "KDE 4", put the four export lines
                          * export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/lib
                          * export KDEDIRS=/usr/lib/kde4
                          * export PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/bin/:$PATH
                          * export KDEHOME=~/.kde4
                          at the top of /usr/lib/kde4/bin/startkde and start a new session in KDM with KDE 4.
                          WTF - why isn't this been taken care without user intervention you know then installing fluxbox or enlightenment? kde4 packages for ubuntu continue to suck...


                            Re: KDE 4 RC1...w00t

                            Having typed these commands into the xterm I get errors (though I can't copy and paste them). It appears that certain files don't exist to be cat or grepped
                            Hmm - does Ksnapshot work (PrintScrn launches KSnapShot) ?

                            Having typed these commands into the xterm
                            Less typos (to me):
                            - make text file in the home folder (name is kde4 or something)
                            - put in the kde4 file:
                            export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/lib
                            export KDEDIR=/usr/lib/kde4
                            export PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/bin/:$PATH
                            export KDEHOME=~/.kde4
                            - start Xephyr in the konsole
                            - in the Xterm:
                            sh kde4

                            Well I tried this next step anyway and the /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps folder doesn't exist.
                            That was my typo. It should be:
                            sudo cp /usr/lib/kde4/share/kde4/apps/kdm/sessions/kde.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop
                            not (one kde4 is missing !)
                            sudo cp /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/kdm/sessions/kde.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop
                            Before you edit, BACKUP !

                            Why there are dead links ?
                            1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                            2. Thread: Lost Information


                              Re: KDE 4 RC1...w00t

                              So KDE4 RC1 is working, can log in and out of it as I choose. Great to be able to try it full speed, it does seem to be quite smooth and all the KDE 3.5 programs I normally use appear to work smoothly as well.

                              As the devs admit, plasma progress is not up there with the rest of KDE4. I too could not get KWIN composite to work. I found the config and enabled it but none of the mouse or keyboard shortcuts worked...

                              Really like the concept of plasma, the new oxygen icons and KDE4 Dolphin. Kickoff has not bothered me too much either (though I can't wait to give raptor and launcelot a try).

                              At the minute however, aside from a complete 'modern' icon set, I have KDE3.5 set up just as I like with compiz fusion, KBFX, a lovely emerald windeco and domino widgets.

                              I'm really looking forward to the day when KDE4 comes together and persuades me switch to it permanently. Hopefully, this will be an awful lot easier than installing the RC!


                                Re: KDE 4 RC1...w00t

                                I would like to thank Rog131 for his 10 steps. I was also unable to start a full session until I was able to start kde4 in a Xephyr window. After that I was able to switch between kde and kde4 in a full session. The snag I ran into was that I had to use xterm instead of konsole to launch Xephyr. I could never get xterm to connect to the Xephyr screen when launched from kconsole.

                                I have just switched to Kubuntu from Vista. I am an application programmer with 28 years experience with Dos and Windows. I have installed and maintained Linux server but never used the desktops. I finally got to the place where I could no longer stand Vista. It reminds me of Windows Me. It was crashing all the time. I am now using vmware workstation 6 to run xp/VS2005 to do my programming. It seems to run just as fast in vmware.

                                The KNetworkManager does not work but KWifimanager does. KDE4 does not seem to have a built-in wifi manager. There does not seem to be a screen/dual-screen manager. I have a NVivia GEForce Go 7600 card in my laptop. It works fine with the new NVidia driver in KDE4 using the xorg.conf file I have been using with KDE3. With dual monitors the background wallpaper stretches to half way across the 2nd monitor. The bottom panel that shows the current apps running is extremely slow. The bar at the top stays on top and gets in the way of maximized windows.

                                After playing with KDE4 I am surprised that kde has a release version of kde4. It seems more like a beta 1 or 2. I thought release version meant it was almost ready for prime-time but may have a few minor bugs. Does Bill Gates manage the KDE team? Sorry, that was not called for.

                                I look forward to the updates over the next 6 months.

