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update problems after new Gutsy install

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    update problems after new Gutsy install

    I've just installed Gutsy on my laptop. (I had trouble with the update so I backed up the home directory and started over) I downloaded a live CD on Nov. 16th and installed from it. As soon as the install finished, I installed 3 restricted drivers (modem, wireless, and video) (very slick, by the way) and then ran the adept automatic update. download seemed to go well, but just over halfway through, I got one of the "there was an error committing changes..." messages.
    I'm not positive which info is relevant, so I've included a screenshot.

    I also found the "_: Entries in K-menu:" error. I've tried the fix indicated here: [edit]but I haven't logged out yet to see if it works. That fixed it. [/edit] Should I file a bug report on this?
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    Re: update problems after new Gutsy install

    I'm having the same exact message, even trying to install or uninstall anything. I also install with a new install from CD, not upgrade. I've been using Gutsy since it came out with no problems but after the last update I get this error message now too. Oh and I get an error message saying Adept installer is being used by another source first.
    Oneiric 11.10 KDE Version 4.7.4<br />Duo core 1.8 Intel<br />4 gig ram<br />Nvidia Go 7300 Graphics<br />Dell E1505 Laptop<br /><br />I&#39;m a happy pappy with Linux on my lappy!!!


      Re: update problems after new Gutsy install

      One of the things that is happening, is Adept is attempting to update itself (not all programs deal well with being updated while running). Assuming that you had no other problems - the update process finished otherwise - you can perform the following, after closing Adept Manager.

      Open a console shell, and type the following (best to copy/paste what I've typed below):
      cd / & sudo apt-get install libqt3-mt adept-manager adept-installer adept-updater adept-notifier adept-batch adept kdesudo
      Note: The above is based on what rst posted as the packages errors were reported on. So, eddieg780, if your reported list of packages was different, you'll need to adjust the package names above accordingly.

      Enter your password when prompted and press enter. This will pull the indicated packages for installation. If you get any errors (E: message) after this finishes, copy/paste the results for review.
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: update problems after new Gutsy install

        I assume "adpet-manager" should be "adept-manager" ?
        other than that things look like they worked. I just have to figure out exactly how to test it


          Re: update problems after new Gutsy install

          Darn! :P Yup, and I've corrected the post below. Thanks for the catch!
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: update problems after new Gutsy install

            Hi I had the same problem and it seemed to be the libqt3-mt 3:3.8Really3:3.7 file which was causing the problem.

            Anyway I re-installed same result.

            So I downloaded another .iso copy of Kubuntu which corresponded with the MD5Sum, burnt it using K3B and verified it as being binary correct. This I then used to re-install, same problem update crashes.

            So I then used a Linux Mint install CD which was working okay on another machine on Friday. Linux mint uses the Ubuntu repositories, same problem.

            This was despite formatting both / Root and /Home and changing the file system from ReiserFs to Ext3.

            I've currently install PCLinuxOS 2007 which is updating okay, as I thought it might have been a problem with my Hard Drive and the offending file was placed in the same spot by both Kubuntu and Linux mint.

            Glad in a way to hear it's not just my machine but a problem with the files on the repositories.

            I will switch back to Kubuntu in about a week to see if the problem is cured.


              Re: update problems after new Gutsy install

              the workaround is simpe:
              "sudo dpkg --configure -a"
              but now adept won't adapt user kde's look - or any other kde application launched via "kdesudo" for that matter

