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Amarok permissions... (evidently solved...)

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    Amarok permissions... (evidently solved...)

    I have been trying to get Amarok to play .mp3 files since I upgraded to Kubuntu 7.10. After much seeking on the Internet and the various forums, I decided to run Amarok as the root user (ie: sudo). As the superuser, it plays .mp3's just fine. If I log on as my normal user, no go. It comes up and asks me if I want to install .mp3 playback capabilities, to which I reply "yes", and then the script dies peacefully with no indications, and Amarok refuses to play .mp3's. Next time the same thing. This would appear to be a permissions issue, any suggestions?

    Ok, then... I checked out the stuff suggested below, but what appears to have fixed this is to run Amarok as sudo. Once I did that the durned thing started to work just fine, although it would not yesterday. It would appear that it wanted to be run as sudo to complete the mp3 playback install. Huh?, oh well, what ends well is good enough. My thanks to those that replied.

    Re: Amarok permissions...

    You mean aside from not using sudo for apps like Amarok (use kdesu or kdesudo)?
    Try running "amarok" from within a console. See if it spits anything out.

    There's probably a package you can install, but I'm not aware of the name of it...
    For external use only.


      Re: Amarok permissions...

      If I remember correctly the necessary packages are libxine1 and libxine1-ffmpeg. If you install both of them with adept and it still won't work then let us know.


        Re: Amarok permissions...

        Hey !

        I had similar problems in Feisty. My girlfried wasn't able to play files in amarok, and it worked fine for me. There is some sort of "audio" group you have to be in.

        I added her and it worked fine. I am sorry i can't verify my assumption now but i am at work @windows.

        I hope this helped.


          Re: Amarok permissions...

          Package: kubuntu-restricted-extras (10) [multiverse]
          Commonly used restricted packages

          This package depends on some commonly used packages in the Kubuntu multiverse repository.

          Installing this package will pull in support for MP3 playback and decoding, Java runtime environment, Flash plugin, DVD playback, and LAME (to create compressed audio files).

          Please note that packages from multiverse are restricted by copyright or legal issues in some countries. See for more information.

          Sometimes /home/user/.xine folder gets garbled. Removing it helps:

          Topic: Amarok 1.4.5, libxine-extracodecs installed, no mp3 playback

          Before you edit, BACKUP !

          Why there are dead links ?
          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
          2. Thread: Lost Information

