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Installing Software

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    Installing Software

    I have installed Kubuntu 7.10 and this is my first distro. I am restoring CPU's to give to underprivileged youth and wish to keep them legal. I am totally ignorant of Linux and in need of assistance. To begin I was asked if I wanted to install wine and I did so. Now I am able to neither install windows software nor software written for Linux. Please help.

    Also, I did not have the floppy drive installed, am I going to have a problem installing it?

    Re: Installing Software

    i found this is some what usefull

    and remember try to search out in google ur good friend and if u r succesfull come back here and post ur experience wid wine.


      Re: Installing Software

      Originally posted by th1bill
      To begin I was asked if I wanted to install wine and I did so.
      What do you mean by 'was asked'? And how did you install it, via adept?


        Re: Installing Software

        Originally posted by th1bill
        I have installed Kubuntu 7.10 and this is my first distro. I am restoring CPU's to give to underprivileged youth and wish to keep them legal. I am totally ignorant of Linux and in need of assistance. To begin I was asked if I wanted to install wine and I did so. Now I am able to neither install windows software nor software written for Linux. Please help.

        Also, I did not have the floppy drive installed, am I going to have a problem installing it?
        To install software in Linux, the first thing to know is that there's a central source for the software you want to install. In most cases you shouldn't search the web for software installers like you do in Windows.

        In Kubuntu, the installation system is available via the K Menu (Kubuntu Menu) as "Add/Remove Programs".

        You'll need to type in your admin password to install software. After you add checkmarks to the software you want, click the "Apply Changes" button at bottom right. This will install the software and add it to your K Menu.

        Wine is a hit-or-miss sort of thing, and you should check the WineHQ website first to see if the software you want to install has been tested and confirmed to work with Wine. If so, you'll want to add the Wine software repository to your software sources so you get the latest Wine updates. After you install Wine, you should be able to double-click EXE files and run them like normal (it will take longer than a normal Windows PC though).

        You shouldn't need a floppy drive for anything.


          Re: Installing Software

          wen i download some debian package and click on it it says wrong architecture why


            Re: Installing Software

            Probably it is a 32-bit package and you are running a 64-bit OS.


              Re: Installing Software

              mine is 32 bit OS ,


                Re: Installing Software


                Then perhaps it is the other way 'round -- could that be a 64-bit package?


                  Re: Installing Software

                  Open a terminal and enter
                  uname -a
                  let us know what the output says.


                    Re: Installing Software

                    the output is::::

                    srikar@srikar-desktop:~$ uname -a
                    Linux srikar-desktop 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 21:45:15 GMT 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux


                      Re: Installing Software

                      Originally posted by srikar

                      x86_64 GNU/Linux
                      And so, how are you finding the 64-bit OS, so far?


                        Re: Installing Software

                        ohh thnx for the code.


                          Re: Installing Software

                          That's why you got the "incompatible architecture" error -- your OS is 64-bit, and the .deb file was for 32-bit. You will have to be content with the packages in the repositories, unless you find .debs specifically packaged for 64-bit. For example, the free VMWare Player 2.0 has a version of the .deb for 64-bit.


                            Re: Installing Software

                            ooh thanks u debl .. so r there enough .deb packages for 64 bit??


                              Re: Installing Software

                              There are 22,853 in the repository -- is that enough?

                              Plus VMWare Player makes it 22,854.

                              EDIT: If you haven't enabled the Medibuntu repository, you should, IMHO:


                              Follow the instructions.

