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upgrade to gutsy broke automount, desktop popup

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    upgrade to gutsy broke automount, desktop popup

    i asked about this on the hardware side with no luck; hoping someone here will know the mechanism whereby feisty automounted (and produced the popup window) CDs and USB storage. worked just fine; upgraded to gutsy, doesn't work anymore. would just as soon not revert, but if it ain't soup yet i guess i might.

    so. anybody know the mechanism and packages for automount/autoopen of removable media? as i said, it worked just fine in feisty, but broke with the upgrade to gutsy.

    thanks in advance.

    Re: upgrade to gutsy broke automount, desktop popup

    Personally I have yet to experience such a thing as a good update in Kubuntu.
    I have always ended up having to do a fresh install after upgrade messes my systems all up.
    So when switching from Fiesty to Gutsy I didn't even try the upgrade did a fresh install in another partition, copied my required files and was up and running with minimal problems. Soon if all continues to go well will delete the old Fiesty partion and make it part of Gutsy partition.
    You may want to consider doing the same thing.


      Re: upgrade to gutsy broke automount, desktop popup

      thanks; you're probably right but i have already spent more time on this than i'd hoped and would rather simply revert to my backup of 7.04 than do a whole frigging install. then i can wait until they have figured out how to do an update. there's no crime in not having a working updater, but there's a considerable problem in shipping a non-working one. imho.

      but i still hope to fix automount. somewhere there is someone who understands how debian does this stuff, and perhaps that person will weigh in, or at least describe what packages/config files are involved. i'm tempted to start grabbing files from /etc in my feisty install, inasmuch as they worked, and unless there's change just for the sake of change, they still should. be nice ot know which ones are installed. hell, the automount daemon package wasn't even installed by default with gusty. so there's something strange going on.


        Re: upgrade to gutsy broke automount, desktop popup

        Just a quick check to see if its set to automount them and failing to do so or if its not actually set to do so at all:

        Actually this brocken automount thing seems pretty widespread with feisty-gutsy upgrades.


          Re: upgrade to gutsy broke automount, desktop popup

          here's hoping the broken automount thing gets fixed. previously, it would make mountpoints on the fly. and it would mount to them. and it would throw up a little something on the desktop to the effect of "okay, it's here, now what do you want to do with it?"

          would kind of like to have that back, inasmuch as moving those data onto the machine are a very big part of what i do for a living.

          surprised it wasn't caught before it was shipped.

