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Linux shutting down

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    Linux shutting down

    Dear all

    I'm experiencing problems with linux when I'm using my laptop to the maximum for example by using matlab. 3 times linux has shut down like this over the last week or so. It seems like it is got something to do with linux. It shuts down nice and decent, not suddenly or anything. Just like a regular halt.

    Can I read in any logs what is going on, and why Linux is shutting down?

    With regards

    Re: Linux shutting down

    If you were pushing the CPU with matlab, it might have been a thermal shutdown.


      Re: Linux shutting down

      I thought so. Can I check in a log if this is the case?


        Re: Linux shutting down

        Can it still be a heating issue when the linux shuts down nice and decent and not abruptly?


          Re: Linux shutting down

          You have a laptop. You didn't say if you had 'stepped away for a time' while Linux was up and running. You said it "shuts down nice and decent, ..." so I'm thinking power management (hibernate, et al). That would be the first thing I'd be betting on.
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: Linux shutting down

            Yes it is a laptop. A brand new one in fact. Samsung x22 with 2gb ram.

            The computer is not hibernating. I'm working with the computer when it happens.


              Re: Linux shutting down

              I tried running the same program in Bill Gates and the program shut down with the error: out of memory.

