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Upgrading to Gutsy from Edgy

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    Upgrading to Gutsy from Edgy

    I am currently running EdgyEft and never did upgrade to Feisty. I would now like to upgrade to Gutsy and was wondering the best way to go about this. I really don't want to do a fresh install. Is there a way to upgrade from Edgy to Gutsy without having to first upgrade to Feisty? I have downloaded the live CD, so If I can do it that way or via an Internet upgrade.

    Re: Upgrading to Gutsy from Edgy

    To the best of my memory, upgrading is linear in that you will need to upgrade to Feisty first before going on to Gutsy. I do not know if the release of Gutsy eliminates that, but I beleive it probably doesn't. Some one correct me if I'm wrong.


      Re: Upgrading to Gutsy from Edgy

      According to:

      You can only directly upgrade to Ubuntu 7.10 ("Gutsy Gibbon") from Ubuntu 7.04 ("Feisty Fawn")

      To upgrade from Edgy to Feisty, see here:


        Re: Upgrading to Gutsy from Edgy

        Don't even waste your time with feisty if you don't have to because you're looking at probably 800M in that upgrade and another 700 for gutsy and an 1.5 hours or more for each upgrade if they work. Backup what you need to in /home and just in case you need to look at your old configs backup /etc too. Then create a list of your installed packages with:

        dpkg --get-selections > ~/selectionfile

        And if after the new gutsty install you want to install all your old packages you can do a:

        sudo dpkg --set-selections < ./selectionfile && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade

        I usually make the selection file but just use it for a reference if need be and install.

        My fresh install of gutsy seems to run better and definitely boots faster than when I first upgraded my feisty.

        If you can't easily backup things then the upgrade route my be your only choice even though there's always the chance of losing your data.


          Re: Upgrading to Gutsy from Edgy

          Count the number of posts with "Gutsy upgrade" problems, versus the number of posts with "New Gutsy Installation" problems.

          New installation appears to be the less troublesome way to go, on the average.


            Re: Upgrading to Gutsy from Edgy

            I agree wit Dibl. The fresh install does better, way better. I had only one issue with a fresh install compared to the 15 - 20 I had upgrading (of which have been solved).

