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Log-out screen

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    Log-out screen

    In previous releases, the log-out screen contained buttons to log out, restart or turn off the computer. Since I've installed Gutsy, The only button left is the Log out one. So in order to shut down my computer, I have to first log out of KDE and then hit Alt-S to shutdown from the Log-in screen.

    Is it supposed to be that way or do I have some setting wrong?
    The Nomad's Land - some Linux humor too

    Re: Log-out screen

    Are you in the live cd? I only noticed that until i actually installed, then i had all of the options.


      Re: Log-out screen

      I have this problem with my laptop, but this only happened after I've installed compiz to it...


        Re: Log-out screen

        I'm using the installed version. However, when I boot from the LiveCD, the buttons are all there.

        I do have compiz installed, but not running.
        The Nomad's Land - some Linux humor too


          Re: Log-out screen

          Hey, I have the same problem. Before I set it to compiz, the buttons are still complete. Until I try to run compiz. All in sudden the buttons gone, except the "log out". I am still finding the solution. But I can tell you that it must be the compiz which caused those buttons gone.
          P4 3.06 HT,RAM 512 MB, 80GB HD, Geforce 6200 LE, Kubuntu 8.04


            Re: Log-out screen

            I can confirm it too. I did a fresh install and the buttons were there, then I installed Compiz and they're gone.
            The Nomad's Land - some Linux humor too


              Re: Log-out screen

              You guys don't have the "xserver-xgl" package installed, do you? I seem to recall that caused similar problems when Gutsy was pre-Beta. If you do, uninstall it and all of compiz, restart your system, and then install compiz (but not xserver-xgl).



                Re: Log-out screen

                Isn't it required with ATI graphics?
                The Nomad's Land - some Linux humor too


                  Re: Log-out screen

                  Originally posted by Nomad
                  Isn't it required with ATI graphics?
                  Why did I suspect there was an ATI card lurking behind all these problems! :-X


                  I actually don't have an ability to test it -- but that package definitely screwed up compiz on an Nvidia card.

                  I would do experiments with it -- take the xserver-xgl package off, and see what works and what doesn't. If you have to have to have it to run compiz, then I guess you've got a bug to report to the KDE folk -- it would seem that compiz is interfering with display of the full shutdown / log out screen, since you're only seeing part of it. :P


                    Re: Log-out screen

                    I have the same issue. In previous versions I get the full log out menu options.
                    I have uninstalled envy, compiz, and emerald and restarted x and I still have to log out to the login screen and then choose to shutdown from there.


                      Re: Log-out screen

                      I installed XGL and Compiz and had exactly the same issue. I have an ATi card, lol


                        Re: Log-out screen (SOLVED)

                        I upgraded from Feisty to Gutsy and then I found the same problem with log-out screen.
                        Compiz-kde was installed so I tried to remove it and reboot, but log-out screen was always without shutdown button, hibernate, and all the others...
                        So I tries to remove also xserver-xgl and rebooted.
                        Now all is ok.
                        So the problem was caused by xserver-xgl.


                          Re: Log-out screen

                          I have copmpiz-fusion running just fine on a ati 9250 pro. no xorg.conf editing and no xserver-xgl.

                          Oh yes, I have all of my logout buttons as well
                          HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                          4 GB Ram
                          Kubuntu 18.10


                            Re: Log-out screen

                            Hey...after remove xserver-xgl, all the buttons return....

                            Thank you very much....
                            P4 3.06 HT,RAM 512 MB, 80GB HD, Geforce 6200 LE, Kubuntu 8.04


                              Re: Log-out screen

                              I'll have a look at this later.

                              glady, ati have realeased the aiglx drivers so, if i can manage to install this. Because else no xgl means you get stuck with compiz and games.

