After spending two hellish days trying to get a computer that works (the updater decided to take a nose dive with all my stuff) and finally getting all my important files off for the clean install I find that something has gone wrong. Namely my executables don't go. I was trying to get all my programs back on and I was working on Regnum Online when I found out about this. I downloaded the file as a .tar.gz and extracted it to it's own folder on my desktop and click on it to run (because it's an executable file.) Nothing. So I open the properties to make sure it's executable, it is. So I try that 'run as root' option and nothing again. Fine, I can deal with that. I open konsole and go to sudo sh it. And I get
/home/wolf/Desktop/rolauncher/rolauncher: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
What's going wrong and how can I fix this?
/home/wolf/Desktop/rolauncher/rolauncher: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
What's going wrong and how can I fix this?