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First post, compiz not working?

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    First post, compiz not working?

    hello, this is my first post here, so if i come across as a newbie...its because i am. aside from that, i am relatively new to linux, ive only installed it a few times. a half year ago, i began my affair with Ubuntu. i just upgraded my Kubuntu desktop to 7.10 and was excited to see the inclusion of compiz...sorta.

    I used adept manager to download the suggest plugins from the Kubuntu documentation, but it did not work properly. i open it, first off there is no launcher. wonderful. so i use command line and it is activated. my borders are gone! and furthermore, i can not edit any settings from the settings manager.

    so how do i get this going?

    I have a Geforce 7600GT, a gateway FPD 1975 LCD, along with 2GB of RAM. i know i have the hardware to do this. do i need to edit my xorg.conf? any pointers would be greatly appreciated. as would a program that just installed and worked.

    Re: First post, compiz not working?

    I think the answer may be down this thread somewhere:


      Re: First post, compiz not working?

      yeah, i tried those things, to no avail though.

      i have it installed, all the aforementioned packages you stated.

      i have no ability to select any options
      launch or shut it down with command line
      no borders
      no system tray icon

      personally, beryl was way better!

      but meh, ill try after midterms.

