Adept will not install the ia32-libs, when I select the package it is marked as BREAK in red letters, if I try to install it anyway it cancels the install with an error.
This is the first time I've used the 64-bit Kubuntu and I'm trying to run the Folding @ Home 64-bit client but it needs the 32-bit libs to run.
Gusty seems to be a lot more work to get up and running than feisty did, I'm not liking the package issues I've been having since I installed it.
This is the first time I've used the 64-bit Kubuntu and I'm trying to run the Folding @ Home 64-bit client but it needs the 32-bit libs to run.
Gusty seems to be a lot more work to get up and running than feisty did, I'm not liking the package issues I've been having since I installed it.