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Knetworkmanager's VPN Connection Tool Broken?

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    Knetworkmanager's VPN Connection Tool Broken?

    Tried to add a new VPN connection through knetworkmanager. I get what is attached here. I reviewed a post I did a while back on this to make sure everything was in place ( It is. Anybody have ideas what could be causing this? The edit tool that use to be in the kmenu no longer is as well.
    Attached Files

    Re: Knetworkmanager's VPN Connection Tool Broken?

    No idea; I just tried your instructions from your other post with no success either (I should have checked this thread first). Have you figured anything out yet?
    Asus G1S-X3:
    Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


      Re: Knetworkmanager's VPN Connection Tool Broken?

      Nope! I've even installed fresh on a test machine and the same thing. You can't create a VPN or edit an existing one. That's a huge let down! Going to konsole to run the tools don't even give clues like it did under Feisty.


        Re: Knetworkmanager's VPN Connection Tool Broken?

        I know kvpnc will work, but I like to have as few packages as possible installed that provide the same function. I'll keep searching for an answer and let you know if I find something; please do the same for me

        Edit: OK, I found this thread regarding the issue; it lists a workaround, but I can't find the nm-applet package in Adept. Any ideas?
        Asus G1S-X3:
        Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


          Re: Knetworkmanager's VPN Connection Tool Broken?

          That is similar to what I posted, however, I checked again and this time I found for some reason or another network-manager-gnome wasn't installed. Odd though, it was before I upgraded to Gutsy and I don't remember Gutsy listing that as not being upgraded. Anyway, reinstalled it and still no go. The nm-vpn-properties command still responds as not being found and knetworkmanager gives the same error as I've posted above. Going through what network-manager-gnome installs and didn't really see anything that caught my eye. Still looking.


            Re: Knetworkmanager's VPN Connection Tool Broken?

            Yep, if you install network-manager-gnome you'll then be able to run nm-applet by ALT-F2 and typing that there. It places another network icon is the system tray. From there you can create/edit/delete ppp type connections. However, once you do that, you have to "kill" that process, as the sys tray icon has no quit command >, stop knetworkmanager and then restart knetworkmanager. Once restarted, the new and/or edited VPN connections will appear. Did not have to go through this kind of crap with Feisty. Under Feisty it worked, but something was changed with the GNOME portion that either KDE or the KUBUNTU team didn't catch. At least that is how it appears. I find it hard to think KUBUNTU thought it wasn't necessary to have. To some point we all have to use a M$ type VPN (pptp) and not OpenVPN or CISCO (the only other plugins I know of that are available). Is this a BUG? I don't know. I guess I'll file a BUG Report and see what happens.

