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You guys sure are being quiet about this kernel upgrade 2.6.22-14 ....

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    You guys sure are being quiet about this kernel upgrade 2.6.22-14 ....

    dibl@gutsy:~$ uptime
     18:16:02 up 1 day, 22:07, 1 user, load average: 0.60, 0.40, 0.32
    OK, printer actually works, VMWare Player 2.0.1 runs great, Amarok plays beautiful music, Nvidia driver is perfect, compiz actually works, more or less ...

    Why am I feeling so afraid to reboot with this new kernel ?

    Re: You guys sure are being quiet about this kernel upgrade 2.6.22-14 ....

    I just got the 2.6.22-14 kernel. It' there but I'm still using 13 until I reboot. I'll try it now and let you know.


    Hopfully be right back.
    ~$sudo make me a sandwich


      Re: You guys sure are being quiet about this kernel upgrade 2.6.22-14 ....


      dan@kubuntu:~$ uname -r
      It booted, looks good, we'll see.

      What the heck is the script to run to get VMplayer to work with the new kernels? I just can't remember.

      ~$sudo make me a sandwich


        Re: You guys sure are being quiet about this kernel upgrade 2.6.22-14 ....

        Yeahhhhhhh, welllllllll, just go ahead and boot to "recovery" mode, because otherwise it's the "Black Screen Of Nothingness" ...

        OK, got my Nvidia driver re-installed, got my VM Player re-configured. Hmmmm, didn't near the "Harps Of Kubuntu" -- I wonder if sound is working ... :P

        Erie - in root mode, it's

        Daggone it, sound is borked -- at least in the RT kernel. OK, guess I know what to work on .... :P


          Re: You guys sure are being quiet about this kernel upgrade 2.6.22-14 ....

          Oh, mannnnnnn! This is like 2 Giant Steps Back!

          dibl@gutsy:~$ aplay
          ALSA lib confmisc.c:769:(parse_card) cannot find card ''
          ALSA lib conf.c:3510:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such device
          ALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings
          ALSA lib conf.c:3510:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: No such device
          ALSA lib confmisc.c:1251:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
          ALSA lib conf.c:3510:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such device
          ALSA lib conf.c:3982:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such device
          ALSA lib pcm.c:2144:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default
          aplay: main:545: audio open error: No such device


            Re: You guys sure are being quiet about this kernel upgrade 2.6.22-14 ....

            Erie - in root mode, it's
            Thanks dibl

            My sound works--32 bit--Is the 64bit worth all the trouble? Any performance increase?

            ~$sudo make me a sandwich


              Re: You guys sure are being quiet about this kernel upgrade 2.6.22-14 ....

              Originally posted by eriefisher
              Is the 64bit worth all the trouble? Any performance increase?
              Well, not tonight, that's for sure! :P

              Let me see if I get something to boot with sound, and then I'll give you a serious answer.


                Re: You guys sure are being quiet about this kernel upgrade 2.6.22-14 ....

                OK, soooooooo, here's what we learned, after the kernel upgrade, verified through multiple boot cycles on my 64-bit system.

                2.6.22-14-rt kernel is broken for sound, at least on my Intel HDA sound system. This is a regression back to Tribe 5 status. Sound worked great on -13-rt kernel. It's hard to understand this, if you ask yourself "Why would someone want the -rt kernel?". There's only one reason ..... :P

                2.6.22-14-generic kernel seems to be fine, in all respects.

                So, that's the deal.

                Eriefisher, I think the alleged "disadvantages" of 64-bit Linux are rapidly disappearing, at least for my purposes. We're down to stuff like the "Rhapsody Player" plugin won't install on 64-bit Firefox. I think there are Java issues for programmers, too. I suspect in 6 months we won't even be talking about it any more.

                Performance? Well, realistically, I think we're waiting for more 64-bit apps to make a lot of difference. It does see my 4GB of RAM. It's fun to start Google Earth spinning, and then to open 2 different Gnome Wave Cleaner sessions, and watch my CPU cores go to 100% and the CPU and GPU fans come on. But that's more about the dual core processor than the 64-bit architecture.


                  Re: You guys sure are being quiet about this kernel upgrade 2.6.22-14 ....

                  No problems at all on this end Then again I am still stoneaging it in 32bit P4.

                  I hooked up my "new" HP smartphoto C4200 USB scanner/printer/copier and the cups usb port saw it straight away. This has NEVER happened to me with any flavor of Linux.

                  Even Kooka saw and actually uses it.
                  HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                  4 GB Ram
                  Kubuntu 18.10


                    Re: You guys sure are being quiet about this kernel upgrade 2.6.22-14 ....

                    Originally posted by dibl
                    2.6.22-14-generic kernel seems to be fine, in all respects.
                    Same here on my old 32 bit machine. Held my breath, as you do, with this mornings kernel update, but there was no need. All worked lubbly.
                    I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


                      Re: You guys sure are being quiet about this kernel upgrade 2.6.22-14 ....

                      Well, I tried it and KDM couldn't load.
                      Probably because I'm using the ATI 8.41.7 driver, which isn't exactly for my card.

                      If you're interested in specifics, /var/log/messages has this to say:

                      10/10/2007 04:04:11 PM sheeettin-kubuntu kdm :0[6201]: IO Error in XOpenDisplay
                      10/10/2007 04:04:11 PM sheeettin-kubuntu kdm[6115] Display :0 cannot be opened
                      10/10/2007 04:04:11 PM sheeettin-kubuntu kdm[6115] Unable to fire up local display :0; disabling.
                      I'm sure it's fixable (or at least usable), but I'll stick with the -13 kernel for now.
                      For external use only.


                        Re: You guys sure are being quiet about this kernel upgrade 2.6.22-14 ....

                        The multi-track audio performance in .14 rt seems to be down.. I don't know how to quantatize it but with only a few tracks open the audio was stuttering on record. Could be a HDD thing.. as reselecting my audio hardware in Audacity and a reboot fixed the issue...

                        Tonight I'll be working with 12-17 tracks so I'll know how it works then...



                          Re: You guys sure are being quiet about this kernel upgrade 2.6.22-14 ....

                          Hello all
                          Upgraded to the new kernel 2.6.22-14 today, and it runs as smooth as ever. I must Say I am on a 32bit machine. Was a bit concerned after reading all the posts, but then I thought, what the heck, if things go wrong I reinstall :-). All went well and all is good
                          Have a great day all
                          Intel DG41TY Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 @ 2.66 GHz 3.9 GiB of RAM


                            Re: You guys sure are being quiet about this kernel upgrade 2.6.22-14 ....

                            Been running it here with no problems: 64-bit generic kernel and two sound cards.
                            Specs:&nbsp; Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (@3Ghz), G.SKILL 4GB DDR2 1066, ASUS Striker II Formula MB, Asus EN9800GTX+ Dark Knight, ABS Tagan BZ800 PS, Antec 900 Case.


                              Re: You guys sure are being quiet about this kernel upgrade 2.6.22-14 ....

                              Originally posted by 3vi1
                              64-bit generic kernel and two sound cards.
                              TWO sound cards! My hat is off -- you are a brave one!

                              I can just barely make one work correctly .... 8)

