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Dolphin crashes

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    Dolphin crashes

    I have a fresh installation of Kubuntu 7.1 Beta. The problem is, everytime i close dolphin, it gives me the following error:

    Unable to save bookmarks in /home/niila/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml. Reported error was: Permission denied. This error message will only be shown once. The cause of the error needs to be fixed as quickly as possible, which is most likely a full hard drive.

    My hard drive is not even half full yet. All permissions on the path should be fine.

    Re: Dolphin crashes

    What says:
    :~$ ls -l /home/niila/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml
    If it starts like this:
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root

    Bug #136458 in dolphin
    dolphin not able to save bookmarks after using "open as root" option
    deleting the files bookmarks.xml and bookmarks.bak solves this problem.

    the permisson of bookmarks.xml is set to root after using the "open as root" option.

    Or reseting ownership of the files to your user:

    From Topic: Konqueror Browser Can Browse Only as ROOT by claydoh
    sudo chown -Rv <insert-username>.<insert-groupname> /home/<insert-username>/.kde

    I'm falling back to the Dolphin 0.82 ( D3lphin 0.9 Integrated second sidebar - aargh > ).
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Dolphin crashes

      dunno if this will help anyone. Im lazy and like using dolphins open as root but this error got to me everytime i quit the root dolphin. Something about as soon as you enter into root it resets the file permissions.

      Go to "/usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus" and find "dolphin_su.desktop" edit this as root(which doesnt seem to edit your permissions )

      Find the line

      Exec=kdesu -c 'd3lphin %U'
      and change it to

      Exec=/bin/sh -c "kdesu -c 'd3lphin %U' && kdesu chmod 777 /home/<Your-Username>/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml"
      Basically this just resets your permissions on that file to 777 after changing your files as root. Not sure how this will work for more than one user, im just a single user so doesnt matter. Maybe somebody knows the way to automatically insert your-username depending on who's logged on.

      Suppose you could use change ownership for this to.


        Re: Dolphin crashes

        Basically this just resets your permissions on that file to 777 after changing your files as root.
        Good fix ! Thank you

        The Problem is the new kdesudo:
        Topic: kdesu dolphin changes bookmark permissions

        Another Fix or workaround is to use the old kdesu:
        Topic: Tribe 5 and konqueror.

        Or simply use:
        Alt + F2 : /usr/bin/kdesu.distrib dolphin instead of kdesudo dolphin (or open as root)

        in the KDE Menu Editor:

        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information


          Re: Dolphin crashes

          This may be a dumb question but why open dolphin as root instead of just using the edit as root feature?
          HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
          4 GB Ram
          Kubuntu 18.10


            Re: Dolphin crashes

            If you need to paste a file in a root owned folder?


              Re: Dolphin crashes

              Open as root?
              HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
              4 GB Ram
              Kubuntu 18.10


                Re: Dolphin crashes

                Not following , sorry im a super noob only installed kubuntu yesterday


                  Re: Dolphin crashes

                  Okay, if you want to edit something as root in dolphin point (with out opening) at the file / folder with your mouse and the right hand panel will give a preview and offer to edit / open as root. Choose this and give your password
                  HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                  4 GB Ram
                  Kubuntu 18.10


                    Re: Dolphin crashes

                    but it was the "open as root" for a folder that was changing the permissions


                      Re: Dolphin crashes

                      Oh okay, I thought you were starting dolphin as root
                      kdesudo dolphin
                      , etc.

                      I don't have that issue, sorry can't be of more help
                      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                      4 GB Ram
                      Kubuntu 18.10


                        Re: Dolphin crashes

                        No prob sorted mine out.


                          Re: Dolphin crashes

                          Open as Root vs Edit as Root

                          Open as Root opens/starts new Dolphin window with root rights. = kdesudo dolphin => Unable to save bookmarks in /home/...

                          Edit as Root starts kwrite with root rights = kdesudo kwrite. This doesn't change the permissions. Edit as Root is Konqueror servicemenu.

                          You can use Konqueror servicemenus (some of them) in the Dolphin.
                          Topic: Using Dolphin to batch process images like Konqueror?

                          There is very good servicemenu (thanks to kubicle):
                          Root Actions Servicemenu
                          Root Actions servicemenu is a replacement/alternative for the default Edit-as-root servicemenu in kubuntu.
                          Root Actions Servicemenu works fine in the Konqueror but in the Dolphin (0.82) it doesn't show all actions.
                          Before you edit, BACKUP !

                          Why there are dead links ?
                          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                          2. Thread: Lost Information


                            Re: Dolphin crashes

                            i got this behavior too when opening dolphin as root. the simple fix was to reset the permissions/ownage to user.
                            <br />


                              Re: Dolphin crashes

                              I'm slightly off-topic, but since it was brought up (thanks for the feedback Rog131)

                              Originally posted by Rog131
                              Root Actions Servicemenu works fine in the Konqueror but in the Dolphin (0.82) it doesn't show all actions.
                              There are a few problems with servicemenus in dolphin (d3lphin), but the rootactions servicemenu can be 'tinkered with' to work better with dolphin:

                              1. ServiceTypes=all/all doesn't seem to work at all on dolphin, changing it to ServiceTypes=all/allfiles,inode/directory in rootactionsall.desktop should bring back the majority of the actions.

                              2. Dolphin doesn't support "_SEPARATOR_"s, removing them from the .desktop files makes the menu a bit cleaner.

                              3. Dolphin doesn't merge the menus, showing two menus instead...the only solution I can think of for this is to merge the menus in a single rootactionsall.desktop file (this will show literally all actions for every item, which isn't the preferred behavior, but it show the items in a single menu)

                              I have been thinking about providing a dolphin-friendly version of the menu, but so far I've been hoping the issues with servicemenus would be fixed in dolphin itself.

