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Rancid Wine

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    Rancid Wine

    I upgraded yesterday (a major can of worms in itself) from Feisty to Gutsy beta. I'm happy with everything at the moment except Wine 0.9.45.

    I have some old legacy Win programs that I was running under Wine on Feisty with absolutely no problems - I was one happy camper. However, any attempts to run a Win program with Wine or (e.g.) Kmenu->Settings->Wine Configuration completely hangs my system.

    I used Adept several times to remove/reinstall Wine with the same results. I assumed the 'Request Purging' would flush Wine from the disk so that I could do a fresh Adept download/install, but that's not the case.

    Any suggestions? Have I avoided some crucial Wine configuration step?

    Thanks, in advance, for ANY useful help!
    Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.

    Re: Rancid Wine

    two possibilities i can see here.

    first, what version of wine were you using in feisty? (0.9.45 also?) (0.9.46 is already out btw). if it was a different version that 0.9.45, then...
    perhaps the 0.9.45 regressed and broke "something" that would affect your system.
    perhaps there is a broken dependency of wine's or related to wine somehow that adept isn't recognizing which is causing it to hang the system. (broken dependencies are at least somewhat common from what i understand in an upgrade like this. i wouldn't know personally though since i never do it that way).

    try running a program from command line and see if it hangs your system & if not see what it says.
    like this for instance:
    wine /path/to/my/program.exe
    <br />


      Re: Rancid Wine

      Thanks for the suggestion, disturbedite. It was worth a try. However, sameold-sameold: another totally hung system, nothing dumped to the terminal, and unable to use KDE System Guard to kill processes.
      Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.


        Re: Rancid Wine

        Often a new wine version can break support for some of those older games/apps, especially if they don't have many users/supporters.

        There are a few things to try.

        One is to rename your ~/.wine folder and try installing the app from a fresh, clean wine setup.

        Another option is to install am older wine version that you know works with your program, winehq keeps older Ubuntu versions in their downloads area (a feisty version should work in gutsy). This probably will make your system to want to upgrade to the latest version every time you check for updates or the update manager runs. Which obviously can be annoying. There is a way to 'pin' a version of a package in Apt, but not via Adept. though Synaptic package manager I think can do this. I am not sure how to do this, but it sounds relatively easy to do via a config file.

        the last method to try is mainly useful if you need both legacy wine support and something only a newer wine versions provides.. basically you run 2 different wine versions, using the latest package available via Adept, then compiling an older version yourself and installing it to a different location from the 'stock' one. Not fun if you have no experience compiling from sources. though.


          Re: Rancid Wine

          Okay, I've hung (pun intended) loose on this topic (although I did upgrade to Wine version 0.9.46 in the interim), and no one has a concrete solution to the problem.

          Judging from this thread ( on Ubuntu forums, it's a prevalent problem, which makes it harder to understand why there's no solution as yet.

          Still stuck in Wine config hang hell!
          Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.


            Re: Rancid Wine

            It seems there are two Wine config things, one called wineconfig and the other winecfg. Which are you using?
            For external use only.


              Re: Rancid Wine

              SheeEttin: I've used
              1. winecfg in a terminal;
              2. KMenu -> Wine -> Configure Wine; and
              3. KMenu -> System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Windows Applications,
              getting the same hung system results in each case..
              Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.

