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Kmenu>Settings>Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

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    Re: Kmenu>Settings>Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

    I have been searching through the threads and can not find clarification on this. As far as I can tell, 7.10 does not have compiz-fusion merged in at this point? I do not see any advanced desktop effect options in Kmenu or anywhere else (unless I missed them). I installed the beta cd this morning and have done all of the updates.

    Can someone clarify? I was running Ubuntu beta but went back to Kubuntu and am finding my way around again.

    Kubuntu Gutsy 7.10 Beta


      Re: Kmenu>Settings>Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

      Finally!!!! Got Compiz working like it was under Beryl, but all I get is a flat panel when rotating the cube. Other words, No Cube. Where do I tell it to have that, or is it set by KDE's Number of Desktops Setting. Once I have that, I think I'll be OK, other than KDE Windows Decorations not being used.


        Re: Kmenu>Settings>Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

        Compared to Beryl, I'm finding Compiz a bit like shooting billiards in a dark room with no lights. :P

        If there is a way to choose a particular window decorator, I can't see it. In the Desktop Effects Advanced Settings window, there is an icon for "Window Decorations" that you need to "X", but beyond that I see no way to pick one. I happen to have only Emerald installed, so I get the classic red Beryl top title bar on my windows, which is fine. I've no idea what will happen when I install Aquamarine, or how it will happen. I can't even say how I got Compiz to auto-start at bootup, and I have no idea how to turn it off. Perhaps just un-"X"-ing the "Desktop Cube" icon?

        Weird -- more like pieces of a package than an integrated package, to me. :P


          Re: Kmenu>Settings>Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

          Like I said, when I updated, the pieces of Beryl were still intact. Once I got Compiz running, I ran aquamarine from konsole and got this.

          UN@CM:~$ aquamarine
          Window Manager "compiz"
          Found not compatible window manager. Waiting...
          Is there a Compiz compatible plugin for KDE Windows Decos?


            Re: Kmenu>Settings>Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

            Did this in konsole and now Compiz is using KDE Windows Decos.

            kde-window-decorator --replace
            Unfortunately I have ugly White Borders around my Docks. How do you get rid of those!!!!


              Re: Kmenu>Settings>Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

              Hah -- I'm trying to get rid of the docks, not to mention their borders. I'm down to one dock, minimized in the lower right corner, kind of hiding behind the trash can. I'd just as soon it went away -- I'd rather have my main apps on the desktop as icons. :P

              EDIT: Just opened Adept to see if I could install Aquamarine. Guess what is not in the Gutsy 64-bit repos? But Metacity is in there -- hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder what will happen if .....

              Okaaayyyyyyyy -- got my answer. Enter
              metacity --replace
              and strip those window borders off! Enter
              emerald --replace
              and .... too bad, no window borders, guess you're restarting compiz. Enter
              and I'm back to the Emerald default (blood red "classic") title bars.

              But, I'm also back to a console session that I dare not close with Ctrl-C, unless I'd like to restart my login session. Weird ...... looks fine, but I guess Mr. Konsole is going to sit there open for awhile, as the window decorations go away every I time I close him!


                Re: Kmenu>Settings>Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

                Well, I got it working almost the way Beryl worked except for two things. 1) Auto Rotate when moving a Window across to the next Panel. I Looked for the setting but wasn't successful. I know I'm over looking it, but their description for that must be escaping me. 2) The annoying White Border around my Docks. This only happens when I enable the KDE Windows Decorations.


                  Re: Kmenu>Settings>Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

                  I do have the "sliding window" thing working. I'll look to see if I can figure out how I did that. My docker has no border.

                  I think it's either "Move Window" or "Place Window" -- I have them both x'd.


                    Re: Kmenu>Settings>Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

                    Moonrise, I think what you are looking for is under:-

                    CompizConfig Settings Manager->Desktop->Rotate Cube->Edge Flip Move
                    I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


                      Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

                      Originally posted by Lowey

                      CompizConfig Settings Manager->Desktop->Rotate Cube->Edge Flip Move
                      That's right -- great catch, Lowey!


                        Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

                        Hey dibl, I may have just had an awesome idea for a Compiz plugin; what would you think about a plugin that as you scrolled down a page, it would look as if you were rotating a large cylinder?

                        It might be aggravating, I don't know. I haven't seen it in action

                        What do y'all think?
                        Asus G1S-X3:
                        Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


                          Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

                          Sounds pretty cool, although the truth is I haven't explored 75% of the stuff that's already available in Compiz. I just wish they would give me back the mouse-wheel cube flip that Beryl had. With Beryl, with the mouse cursor anywhere on the desktop you could flip to the next viewport with one click of the mouse wheel. Very handy for multitasking without taking your eyes off the desktop. Now I'm stuck either taking my hands off the mouse to use arrow keys, or navigating down to the little numeric desktop icon(s) in the lower right of my taskbar/pane -- a step backwards, for me. But my fingers are cross for future improvement!


                            Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

                            Compiz-fusion seems to be very gnome biased as it works fine in ubuntu7.10 out of the box. The kde version is just to buggy (as mentioned here often enough) to be prime time. So many things that make compiz-fusion interesting just do not work in kde.

                            If you go to he compiz-fusion forums you will see a lot of kde related stuff.

                            Patience, I suppose is a virtue for them as for us
                            HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                            4 GB Ram
                            Kubuntu 18.10


                              Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

                              G'day, dibl.

                              This will probably be no help to you whatsoever, but that facility works fine on my system but I can't for the life of me find out where there is a setting for it, though. My mouse is just a cheap, corded 5 button job. I don't remember doing anything to activate it, but that goes for a lot of things about my compiz install. :P
                              I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


                                Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

                                Originally posted by Lowey
                                G'day, dibl.

                                This will probably be no help to you whatsoever, but that facility works fine on my system but I can't for the life of me find out where there is a setting for it, though. My mouse is just a cheap, corded 5 button job. I don't remember doing anything to activate it, but that goes for a lot of things about my compiz install. :P
                                G'day indeed!

                                Welllllll, realllllllly? Lowey, you encourage me!

                                I'll have to keep plunking away at those goofy little icons -- hard to tell what might work!

