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Kmenu>Settings>Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

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    Kmenu>Settings>Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

    Hey, here's something new, appearing after today's round of updates. It looks suspiciously like a capability to enable a desktop cube, with wobbly windows and water effects and all of that good stuff.

    Does anyone know how to actually make it do something? I've got Emerald, but I can't see how to enable/change the window decorator, and entering "compiz --replace" in the console just borks things up (disables text entry, for example). Who knows the secret recipe?

    Re: Kmenu>Settings>Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

    hmmmm....i'm up-to-date but i don't have that menu entry...
    <br />


      Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

      I'm on 64-bit -- maybe it's different.


        Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

        I can't see that either although I would like to.

        Using compiz --replace gives me an me an ugly white boarder around my panels and put adept-notifier in the taskbar where I don't want it.

        Correction: After this morning updates (switzerland) copmpz --replace does.....nothing, nada
        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
        4 GB Ram
        Kubuntu 18.10


          Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

          Hmmm ... I think that's the first time I've gotten updates in the U.S. ahead of the Europeans! Here's a screenshot (I hope). I assume this came from the standard Gutsy repo - I do have Medibuntu and the Virtual Box repo in my sources, at the moment.

          I also see that I now have a package named "compiz-kde" ... hmmm, maybe time for some further experiments here!

          EDIT: Ahhhhhh --- this is interesting! When I enter "compiz" in the console, it runs ... the windows get wobbly and 4 desktops appear. But it doesn't release the console shell process -- I don't get my prompt back. So it's a running process in the console, and if I do Ctrl-C it rudely chops off all window borders, closes the console, and leaves some unfortunate residual effects, like you can only type in the console as long as you keep the cursor hovered over the console window. heh heh heh ... I think we're still waiting!
          Attached Files


            Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

            I have the compiz-settings as well. It is in K->configuration (or something like that, mine is in german) but it doesn't "start" compiz, it just lets me configure/tweek it.
            But that is redundant right now as I can't even start it anymore

            I was thinking you had something like the ubuntu version where you can activate compiz in system->appearance (or similar).
            HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
            4 GB Ram
            Kubuntu 18.10


              Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

              This is a new menu item, that is one line above the KMenu>System line -- it is simply called "Settings", and in it are this "Advanced Desktop Effects", plus "Emerald" and one more item that escapes my recollection at this moment (had to go to the office .....).


                Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

                ohhhh, this is just the case of the Compiz Settings Manager being renamed "Advanced Desktop Effects". simple as that.

                emerald has been there forever since i installed it...
                <br />


                  Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

                  Originally posted by disturbedite
                  ohhhh, this is just the case of the Compiz Settings Manager being renamed "Advanced Desktop Effects". simple as that.
                  Aha! So this is what I was missing while I was happy with Beryl, eh?

                  @Disturbedite, how much of compiz actually works on your Gutsy?


                    Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

                    I didn't notice they renamed it either until you and Disturb'd pointed it out.

                    Compiz has been running on mine for a while - removed Beryl and got it running too far back to remember exactly.

                    I know you asked Disturbedite, but on my system everything of compiz works. It did not at first. I had to completely remove *everything* related to compiz/beryl and re-install the packages to get window decorations to work (something from Beryl was still hanging around causing problems).

                    Compiz Fusion Icon (rebuilt for 64-bit) runs in my system tray to start it automatically each boot: It's a good replacement for the Beryl manager tray icon.

                    There's only one, very big, bug with Compiz: This basically forces me to switch back to KWin any time I want to run an OpenGL app. Luckily, the Fusion Icon makes that as easy as right-click left-click.
                    Specs:&nbsp; Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (@3Ghz), G.SKILL 4GB DDR2 1066, ASUS Striker II Formula MB, Asus EN9800GTX+ Dark Knight, ABS Tagan BZ800 PS, Antec 900 Case.


                      Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

                      i'm not sure exactly what you mean by "how much", but it runs fairly good on my system and my system (in particular my integrated video) is outdated.

                      p4 1.8ghz
                      640 ddr
                      integrated intel i845g (64mb) & intel driver (w/ dri enabled)

                      runs it smooth enough.
                      <br />


                        Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

                        Yesterdays update took care of the borders but adept notifier is still persistent and can anyone actually activate any plugins on this "advanced"?? desktop manager.
                        Mine are all greyed out even the ones activated by default.
                        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                        4 GB Ram
                        Kubuntu 18.10


                          Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

                          Are you guys getting any of these to work in Compiz:

                          - mouse wheel rotates cube
                          - custom end-cap graphics
                          - skydomes (I can't even find where to enable)
                          - sliding a window over the edge of the screen rotates to next side of cube


                          Since I got the kernel upgrade today and reinstalled my Nvidia driver, I decided to see how much of this Compiz thing I can make work ... :P

                          I'm used to Beryl, and I'm not sure all of the above are even SUPPOSED to be Compiz features, but it's not exactly humming on my rig.

                          EDIT: Found skydome and end-cap graphics capabilities (good news) -- they don't work on mine (bad news)

                          EDIT #2: Found how to set sliding windows over the edge -- and it actually works!!!


                            Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

                            I can't figure out how to actually get the cube to apear.. there are settings for controlling what it does.. but nothing about making it appear.

                            Also how do you change the selection key for Application Switcher? I've got it set to switch using my thumb wheel.. but I then have to reach over with my left hand to hit the Enter key to actually select the application...



                              Re: Kmenu&gt;Settings&gt;Advanced Desktop Effects Settings

                              You should be able to hold down the left Ctrl and Alt keys with your left hand, and then (with your right hand) take your mouse up to either the upper left or upper right corner area, click down and "pull" the cube around. Also, holding down Ctrl and Alt and then you can use the left or right arrow to turn the cube. These controls are the same as Beryl.

