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Does/Will Gutsy use Beryl/Compiz Fusion?

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    Does/Will Gutsy use Beryl/Compiz Fusion?

    I currently use Feisty Fawn Kubuntu and love it. I've read that Gutsy Ubuntu will install and use Beryl/Compiz Fusion by default on machines that can support it. Will Gutsy Kubuntu work the same way?

    Re: Does/Will Gutsy use Beryl/Compiz Fusion?

    The plan is:
    Third Party Compositing Support

    Beryl/Compiz should smoothly integrate with Kubuntu for those who wish to use it. Once the beryl/compiz merge is complete we should promote aquamarine (kwin decorations for Beryl) and the beryl-kubuntu package to main. The Aquamarine KControl module should have a tickbox added as a simple option to change to Beryl, as the desktop-effects applet does in Gnome. The beryl-kubuntu package should include a settings file to use aquamarine by default and to set Beryl to fallback to kwin. Beryl should be fixed to not complain if metacity is not installed and kwin is.

    Topic: Gutsy Release Schedule and Plans
    Links to Gutsy release schedule and plans (+ news and rumors)

    And there
    Blueprints for Gutsy > CompositeByDefault:
    Deploy Compiz, with a set of plugins and settings backends as the default window manager in Gutsy Gibbon.

    Compiz is now able to function as a drop in replacement for Metacity. Due to increasing support for required GL extensions in both free drivers and proprietary drivers, and increasing stability in the project and its associated plugins, the software is usable and available for a broad base of users. Users have shown a large amount of interest in Compiz/Beryl for making their computing experience more usable and enjoyable. The highly visible effects of Compiz can act to encourage users to try Ubuntu...
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Does/Will Gutsy use Beryl/Compiz Fusion?

      Okay, its good to hear that the plan is to make Beryl/Compiz an easy drop-in replacement for kwin. I see they are also trying to make kwin compositing the default. I see actual progress in Ubuntu but how is the plan working out in Kubuntu? Also, how will compositing affect 3d accelerated games?


        Re: Does/Will Gutsy use Beryl/Compiz Fusion?

        So far Compiz won't let 3d games or screensavers run. It punts you out to KDM.



          Re: Does/Will Gutsy use Beryl/Compiz Fusion?

          Originally posted by Bongo5HH
          So far Compiz won't let 3d games or screensavers run. It punts you out to KDM.

          On my system (feisty + Beryl + Nvidia driver) I can have Beryl active and start up Quake 4 with a minimal impact in performace. Any impact I see I'm use is related to the no so optimised Nvidia drivers for the Geforce 8 series.

          Starting Windows games with Wine or Cedga while running beryl is another beast in it self, but hey running any windows games on Linux is, Beryl or not.

          Also to answer the OP, once KDE 4 stablizes, then the Kwin Compositing with become default over Compiz Fusion.


            Re: Does/Will Gutsy use Beryl/Compiz Fusion?

            Guys, any news on this ? Is Compiz going to be available by default ? I only see new for (GNOME) Ubuntu:




              Re: Does/Will Gutsy use Beryl/Compiz Fusion?

              Ugh! So that's why I can't get my screensavers running; I've been wondering what the deal was. Thanks for that little bit of info, it explains a lot.

              As for the game deal, I can play Nexiuz with minimal negative effects; in fact, I don't really notice a difference.

              Edit: I do believe Compiz-fusion will be available by default in Gutsy; I'm currently running the (Kubuntu) Gutsy beta and it's in the standard repos. I have it installed and it works great (minus the fact that I can't get any of my screensavers running plus a few minor bugs they're still working on)

              If you want, you can see a few screenshots of my system here; they aren't super amazing, but do show Compiz is working.
              Asus G1S-X3:
              Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


                Re: Does/Will Gutsy use Beryl/Compiz Fusion?

                Until ATI/AMD gets their act together, I got nuthin'.

                However, 3D performance is up in the latest driver, and AIGLX is expected for the release (hopefully) some time this month.
                For external use only.


                  Re: Does/Will Gutsy use Beryl/Compiz Fusion?

                  Oh, I might should state that if you use the nvidia driver, you don't need the xserver-xgl package, in fact, it's detrimental to performance. The nvidia-glx package is more than sufficient to run Compiz.
                  Asus G1S-X3:
                  Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


                    Re: Does/Will Gutsy use Beryl/Compiz Fusion?

                    Originally posted by integr8e
                    Oh, I might should state that if you use the nvidia driver, you don't need the xserver-xgl package, in fact, it's detrimental to performance. The nvidia-glx package is more than sufficient to run Compiz.
                    Ok, then, let me re-post the question: is Compiz going to be enabled also for Kubuntu GUtsy ?

                    Many thanks!


                      Re: Does/Will Gutsy use Beryl/Compiz Fusion?

                      By default, no; but you can install it very easily from the repos. It is still currently a testing release, as such, is still somewhat unstable and will remain that way until v0.6.0. *buntu, logically, will neither include Compiz-fusion nor KDE4 by default until they become stable and have integrated well with the OS.
                      Asus G1S-X3:
                      Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


                        Re: Does/Will Gutsy use Beryl/Compiz Fusion?

                        Originally posted by integr8e
                        By default, no; but you can install it very easily from the repos. It is still currently a testing release, as such, is still somewhat unstable and will remain that way until v0.6.0. *buntu, logically, will neither include Compiz-fusion nor KDE4 by default until they become stable and have integrated well with the OS.
                        Thanks for the info!. Ubuntui, on the other hand, will have it installed by default, see the post I linked above. Cheers!


                          Re: Does/Will Gutsy use Beryl/Compiz Fusion?

                          Those Ubunteros and their strange ways...

                          As integr8e said, it'd be best to wait until they're stable and known to... mesh with the OS. Compiz Fusion should (hopefully) be integrated with Kubuntu around 8.04, Hardy Heron (preferably along with KDE 4), but that's an LTS version, so they may not want to add all kinds of shiny new stuff to it.
                          For external use only.

