Don't know where else to post this,but since Tribe 4 I have been having problems with Knetwork manager not connecting on boot up. I did not have this problem before Tribe 4. Funnily enough to get re-connected, all I have to do is go into Knetwork manager, and just highlight eth0 and the IP setting and it reconnects??
The modem/router is a Belkin and this computer is connected by ethernet. So something changed regarding Knetwork manager between Tribe 3 and tribe 4 and is still there with this new tribe 5. So where do I report this? and have any of you any suggestions as to why it is not connecting on boot up and sign in?
The modem/router is a Belkin and this computer is connected by ethernet. So something changed regarding Knetwork manager between Tribe 3 and tribe 4 and is still there with this new tribe 5. So where do I report this? and have any of you any suggestions as to why it is not connecting on boot up and sign in?