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Knetwork manager work on boot with WPA?

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    Knetwork manager work on boot with WPA?

    With the new KDE versions and Gutsy Gibbon have they addressed the problems with WIFI using Knetworkmanager?
    i.e, will it start on boot and can you use a WPA encrypted signal?

    I know this is pretty basic stuff (OpenSuse 10.2 works flawlessly and has for some quite time) but it's the only thing stopping me from using Kubuntu (any version) on my laptop... very frustrating as I love Kubuntu!

    Re: Knetwork manager work on boot with WPA?

    Hey I haven't had a problem with this for a couple of versions now myself.

    I use Kubuntu on my laptop all the time with WPA2 at home.

    Here's how you should be able to get it.

    Search for WPA in Synaptic (or Adept). Install the packages called "wpasupplicant" and "wpagui" if you don't have them.

    With both of these KNetwork manager will use WPA without issue in my experience. Even at boot. You'll have to go in and set up your network through KNetwork managere first time though.



      Re: Knetwork manager work on boot with WPA?

      Thanks, Kev... I'll give 'er a try...

