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Share subfolders on a NAS only modifyable by the creator

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    Share subfolders on a NAS only modifyable by the creator


    I don't know if this is a problem with Kubuntu, but it's about networking, so I thought you might help me.
    I have a NAS unit, with 2 Hadr Drives configured as RAID 1. I have configured 3 users, each with their private share, and a "global" share called "mp3". I have given "writable" authorization to all 3 users to that share.
    I have a problem with the write permissions. If an user (let's say user 1) creates a folder inside /mp3/ (for example /mp3/rock), he can create subfolders and copy/modify/delete files in that folder.
    But if user 2 logs in, goes to the folder created by user 1 (/mp3/rock/), he can see the files/subfolders stored there; but he can NOT modify or delete those files. Nor can he create new folders/files.
    It's as if every folder or file inside the share has the permissions set to "writable" only to the original creator.
    How can I solve this problem? I need a share that every authorized user can write on, on every file.

    In smb4k, I set up the samba mount options so that both "file mask" and "directory mask" read 0777. But I still have the same problem - only the user who created the subfolders can modify them.

    I telnet-ed into the NAS, and with ls -al on /dev/md1, here's the output:

    nas> ls -al
    drwxrwxrwx  8 root   root     4096 Apr 19 16:02 mp3
    drwxr-s--x  3 selene  users    4096 Apr 18 17:19 selene
    drwxr-s--x  5 cristian users    4096 Apr 15 20:29 cristian
    drwxrwxrwx  3 guest-sh guest-sh   4096 Apr 12 20:07 guest-share
    drwxrwxrwx  2 root   root     4096 Apr 18 17:35 public
    -rw-------  1 root   root     6144 Apr 18 17:12
    -rw-------  1 root   root     7168 Apr 18 17:38 aquota.user
    drwxr-s--x  3 admin  users    4096 Apr 12 20:07 admin
    drwx------  2 root   root    16384 Apr 12 20:04 lost+found
    The folder I need every user to access read/write is "mp3". It belongs to "root/root". The permissions though seem to be all clear. In fact every user can write inside /mp3. But if I list what's inside that /mp3 folder:

    nas> ls -al
    drwxr-xr-x  4 cristian users    4096 Apr 18 17:35 eBooks
    drwxr-xr-x  3 selene  users    4096 Apr 18 17:35 New Folder
    drwxr-xr-x 192 cristian users    16384 Apr 18 17:35 Mp3_miei
    drwxr-xr-x  5 cristian users    4096 Apr 18 17:35 Mp3Cartoni
    drwxr-xr-x  15 cristian users    4096 Apr 19 15:59 Mp3
    You can see that every subfolder belongs to a specific user, and there's no write permission to the others. Is that the problem? How do i fix that?

    Maybe I should point out that on the NAS I defined a group, and all the users I want to be authorized to write on the share are part of that group...

    Thanks for any help,