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Auto-mounting shares from /etc/fstab not working?

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    Auto-mounting shares from /etc/fstab not working?

    I set up a NAS file server to share some folders on my home network.
    I can access the shares without problems from smb4k.
    But I would like at least one of those shares (the "public" folder) to automount at boot. So I put the line

    //  /home/cristian/smb4k/NAS/public/ smbfs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,dmask=777,fmask=777 0  0
    in my /etc/fstab. But on boot, it doesn't get mounted. If I type

    sudo mount -a
    it gets mounted.
    Why doesn't Kubuntu mount it at boot?


    Re: Auto-mounting shares from /etc/fstab not working?

    you need to add the _netfs option to your entry in fstab. the mounting of filesystems happens before the network is up and running. the _netfs option will tell the system to mount this after the network is started....


      Re: Auto-mounting shares from /etc/fstab not working?

      Same problem here with using a HP Media Vault. I included all the proper mount directions in the /etc/fstab file but I have to manually type "mount -a" at boot up to make them mount.

      So, when you said

      "you need to add the _netfs option to your entry in fstab. the mounting..." where is that option inserted?

      For example, here is a line from my fstab that mounts a share located on my network (NAS).
      hpmediavault:/shares/Volume1/FileShare /mnt/mediavault/FileShare nfs defaults 0 0

      Based on your instructions, would I need to change this to
      hpmediavault:/shares/Volume1/FileShare /mnt/mediavault/FileShare nfs defaults _netfs 0 0? Do I include the underscore as well?

      sudo make me rich<br /><br />Kubuntu Gutsy 7.10<br />KDE 3.5<br />Compaq Presario 5000<br />Intel Celeron 1.2 Ghz<br />512 Ram, Riva TNT2 Video Card<br />All the above hardware is 7 year old junk but<br />Linux runs great on it.&nbsp; :&gt<br />Ham Radio Rules


        Re: Auto-mounting shares from /etc/fstab not working?

        yust a teory .... maybe smbd and nmbd ( samba daemons) simply did not started at the time linux triied to mount it.

        there shoulld be a workaround:

        edit /etc/rc.local and add "mount -a"

        this way, after linux booted , as last action will try to remount all. ;-)

