Thanks to all the good help here - and searching the Internet - I got my dual Pentium PC on Gutsy Gibbon. Makes for a much, very much faster PC.
I've got my Samba network going (some tweaking), the Lexmark Optra E+ LP printer added (all graphical).
From Windows I can both double click on the printer on the Kubuntu PC w/printer, and find it from Add Printers.
However: How do I get the correct driver? Should it be the one that followed the Lexmark? In Windows it isn't needed - the printer give the PC what is needed.
Some of the stuff I read indicate that I should get the driver from the Kubuntu PC?
Some of it propose to get some PS PPD to the Windows PC, and install also on the PC that holds the printer.
I have to admit - this make me too confused? What is it I should install on the XP computer in order to be able to print to the Kubuntu-attached printer?
I've got my Samba network going (some tweaking), the Lexmark Optra E+ LP printer added (all graphical).
From Windows I can both double click on the printer on the Kubuntu PC w/printer, and find it from Add Printers.
However: How do I get the correct driver? Should it be the one that followed the Lexmark? In Windows it isn't needed - the printer give the PC what is needed.
Some of the stuff I read indicate that I should get the driver from the Kubuntu PC?
Some of it propose to get some PS PPD to the Windows PC, and install also on the PC that holds the printer.
I have to admit - this make me too confused? What is it I should install on the XP computer in order to be able to print to the Kubuntu-attached printer?