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File Sharing

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    File Sharing

    I would like some help sharing files between my windows xp machine and my kubuntu machine. Also, I would like to share printers as well.

    Re: File Sharing

    the pinter is quite easy.

    k -> system settings -> printers -> add -> printer/class -> smb shared windoze -> anonymous ->

    workgroup = your windows workgroup
    server = hostname of xp pc with printer attached
    printer = the name of the printer known by the workgroup (mine is called EPSON)

    I tried the scan button but it wasnt much use so I gathered the information it needed myself.

    without going any further (i didnt want to install another printer, I just checked the steps for your aid) the following screens are fairly easy to click through, just read before clicking. the above data is all you need to know for any further questions if I remember rightly.

    your second question, I too would like to know how to share the kubuntu machines files and folders with the xp pc. maybe someone can do a step by step as above, to help the noob

    HTH and of course YMMV the above was 32bit kubuntu 7.10


      Re: File Sharing

      to allow windows machines to use resources of your kubuntu:
      system settings -> sharing -> administrator mode -> "decide what to share".

      to access windows shares FROM kubuntu:

      from system menu ( on toolbar near "K" button ) chose "remote places" -> samba


        Re: File Sharing

        hi ghillan

        I have setup as much as possible but stuck at the last hurdle.

        I can access my windows machine from kubuntu no problem, my windows machine can see my kubuntu machine BUT when I try to access the kubuntu machine from the windows pc, i get prompted for a user/password?

        how or where do I set this.

        system settings -> sharing -> administrator mode -> "decide what to share".
        In here i setup access to a folder on kubuntu, in admin mode I have a cross in Enable local network file sharing
        then advanced sharing checked, and croses in use samba and use nfs, when clicking Allowed users button, i have told it to allow ALL users to share folders, what else do I need to do.


          Re: File Sharing

          Originally posted by doosjuice
          hi ghillan

          I have setup as much as possible but stuck at the last hurdle.

          I can access my windows machine from kubuntu no problem, my windows machine can see my kubuntu machine BUT when I try to access the kubuntu machine from the windows pc, i get prompted for a user/password?

          how or where do I set this.

          system settings -> sharing -> administrator mode -> "decide what to share".
          In here i setup access to a folder on kubuntu, in admin mode I have a cross in Enable local network file sharing
          then advanced sharing checked, and croses in use samba and use nfs, when clicking Allowed users button, i have told it to allow ALL users to share folders, what else do I need to do.
          1) You dont need NFS ..... it's a completelly different share method between *nix systems... disable it.

          2) Did you triied to put your username ad password of your local user?

          3) To put them publicly available without prompting for a user:
          system settings -> sharing -> administrator mode -> "decide what to share" -> change -> check "public"

          4) if u wanna keep the password but for some reason dont work:
          a) alt+F2
          b) sudo smbpasswd <username>
          c) re-enter your password.


            Re: File Sharing

            Originally posted by doosjuice
            hi ghillan

            BUT when I try to access the kubuntu machine from the windows pc, i get prompted for a user/password?
            The password is being requested by Linux via your Windows machine. The username and password you should use the very same username and password you use to log into your Linux machine when you boot it up.

            Hope this helps.

            sudo make me rich<br /><br />Kubuntu Gutsy 7.10<br />KDE 3.5<br />Compaq Presario 5000<br />Intel Celeron 1.2 Ghz<br />512 Ram, Riva TNT2 Video Card<br />All the above hardware is 7 year old junk but<br />Linux runs great on it.&nbsp; :&gt<br />Ham Radio Rules


              Re: File Sharing

              hi Mike

              I did try that and just tried it again, nope.

              If I try


              The username input field changes from username to HOSTNAME/username when I hit ok but still doesnt allow access?


                Re: File Sharing

                Can you post your /etc/samba/smb.config file?
                HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                4 GB Ram
                Kubuntu 18.10


                  Re: File Sharing

                  Here it is (I have removed a lot of the commented out bits)

                  #======================= Global Settings 
                  workgroup = WORKGROUP
                  server string = %h server (TheDaddy)
                  ;  wins support = no
                  ;  wins server = w.x.y.z
                  dns proxy = no
                  ;  name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast
                  #### Networking ####
                  ;  interfaces = eth0
                  ;  bind interfaces only = true
                  #### Debugging/Accounting ####
                  log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
                  # Put a capping on the size of the log files (in Kb).
                  max log size = 1000
                  ;  syslog only = no
                  syslog = 0
                  # Do something sensible when Samba crashes: mail the admin a backtrace
                  panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
                  ####### Authentication #######
                  ;  security = user
                  encrypt passwords = true
                  passdb backend = tdbsam
                  obey pam restrictions = yes
                  ;  guest account = nobody
                  invalid users = root
                  ;  unix password sync = no
                  passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
                  passwd chat = *Enter\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n *passwd:*password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .
                  ;  pam password change = no
                  ########## Domains ###########
                  ;  domain logons = yes
                  ;  logon path = \\%N\profiles\%U
                  # Another common choice is storing the profile in the user's home directory
                  ;  logon path = \\%N\%U\profile
                  ;  logon drive = H:
                  ;  logon home = \\%N\%U
                  ;  logon script = logon.cmd
                  ; add user script = /usr/sbin/adduser --quiet --disabled-password --gecos "" %u
                  ########## Printing ##########
                  ;  load printers = yes
                  ;  printing = bsd
                  ;  printcap name = /etc/printcap
                  # CUPS printing. See also the cupsaddsmb(8) manpage in the
                  # cupsys-client package.
                  ;  printing = cups
                  ;  printcap name = cups
                  ;  printer admin = @lpadmin
                  ############ Misc ############
                  ;  include = /home/samba/etc/smb.conf.%m
                  socket options = TCP_NODELAY
                  ;  message command = /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/linpopup "%f" "%m" %s; rm %s' &
                  ;  domain master = auto
                  ;  idmap uid = 10000-20000
                  ;  idmap gid = 10000-20000
                  ;  template shell = /bin/bash
                  ;  winbind enum groups = yes
                  ;  winbind enum users = yes
                  #======================= Share Definitions 
                  ;  comment = Home Directories
                  ;  browseable = yes
                  ;  valid users = %S
                  ;  writable = no
                  ;  create mask = 0700
                  ;  directory mask = 0700
                  ;  comment = Network Logon Service
                  ;  path = /home/samba/netlogon
                  ;  guest ok = yes
                  ;  writable = no
                  ;  share modes = no
                  ;  comment = Users profiles
                  ;  path = /home/samba/profiles
                  ;  guest ok = no
                  ;  browseable = yes
                  ;  create mask = 0600
                  ;  directory mask = 0700
                  comment = All Printers
                  path = /var/spool/samba
                  printable = yes
                  create mask = 0700
                  comment = Printer Drivers
                  path = /var/lib/samba/printers
                  path = /home/neal/shared-files/
                  guest ok = yes
                  read only = no
                  thanks for looking


                    Re: File Sharing

                    Thank you, I'll have a closer look later. have to run.

                    In the meantime here is mine for comparison:


                    workgroup = FINTANHOME
                    interfaces = eth0
                    map to guest = bad user


                    path = /Data
                    read only = no
                    guest ok = yes
                    case sensitive = no
                    strict locking = no
                    force user = fintan


                    printing = cups
                    path = /var/tmp
                    printable = yes
                    guest ok = yes
                    guest only = yes
                    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                    4 GB Ram
                    Kubuntu 18.10


                      Re: File Sharing

                      Originally posted by ghillan
                      to allow windows machines to use resources of your kubuntu:
                      system settings -> sharing -> administrator mode -> "decide what to share".

                      to access windows shares FROM kubuntu:

                      from system menu ( on toolbar near "K" button ) chose "remote places" -> samba

                      Thank you, Ghillan. I was trying to share something to my son on a Debian machine. He told me twice how to do it, but I'm senile, so I came here. Your directions work!!

