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USB Printer on Apple AirPort Extreme

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    USB Printer on Apple AirPort Extreme

    Hey all,
    OK, I haven't really focused on my inter-computer networking because I haven't had a huge need to. I have a need to now since I've added a new system to the network for working on (a new iMac because for working, I need it to just work). I'm still loving the Kubuntu, and am using it on 2 (maybe 3 soon) other systems.
    SO...Question. I had my Samsung laser working (ref. on my system, but couldn't figure out how to network it out.
    I saw with OS X that I could plug the printer into the AirPort and share it easily. On the forums (here and here I saw that I could also access it with Kubuntu. I can not for the life of me figure it out. Can anyone help, or point me to a tutorial/walkthrough please?

    Re: USB Printer on Apple AirPort Extreme

    I would suggest trying bonjour (I have used it in the past when using a windows computer to print over an airport wireless to a printer attached to a mac, beautifully simple: I just installed it and everything worked, no config required). Installing it on the mac will be a breeze, just download from:
    Installing it on kubuntu may be tougher, but is definitely do-able. First check adept for it. If its not there then maybe google about for a deb. Otherwise the source code is available from the page linked above and google will bring up numerous posts about how to make it work, for example:


      Re: USB Printer on Apple AirPort Extreme

      I will give this a shot this weekend, seems straight-forward-ish, in theory.
      That article mentions the use of Zeroconf. Doesn't Kubuntu have Zeroconf in it already, I'm sure I've seen it browsing around. Will that not see the printer?


        Re: USB Printer on Apple AirPort Extreme

        Originally posted by EMoShunz
        That article mentions the use of Zeroconf. Doesn't Kubuntu have Zeroconf in it already, I'm sure I've seen it browsing around. Will that not see the printer?
        In all honesty my answer to this has to be that I have no idea. I don't actually own a printer nowadays. Its not worth my while as a) I rarely print anything, b) if I do I can get a friend to do it or use fedex kinkos. The bonjour thing is just from a few years back now when I actually had to worry about printing stuff.

