Re: Help! Can't load my Kubuntu
Thanks for the info. The reason chroot didn't work originally was because I gave you the wrong command! My fault entirely...
To make it work you have boot puppy and mount /dev/sda1 - typically it should be mounted to /media/sda1. I take it puppy follows this convention... To test it you should open a root shell and type
Once you are "in" please post the output of
With any luck we should be able to see a discrepancy there. I hope dibl, snowhog, Qqmike and kubicle to name but a few are watching this and are rearing to go with new and great input
Thanks for the info. The reason chroot didn't work originally was because I gave you the wrong command! My fault entirely...
To make it work you have boot puppy and mount /dev/sda1 - typically it should be mounted to /media/sda1. I take it puppy follows this convention... To test it you should open a root shell and type
chroot /media/sda1
cat /etc/fstab
