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Lost KDM Again . . .

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    Lost KDM Again . . .

    Kubuntu 7.10

    It happened again after doing something. I did so many things that isolating the cause is virtually impossible. I download updates, modify config files, try software such as today bacula. Tried it. Too complex. Removed it. Took out the garbage and bingo KDM gone on arrival! Also loaded gambas 2.5.

    What happened?

    My boot script stops at about the local scripts or CUPS line echo and dies. Somehow the Linux OS has lost the link to x or KDM. The boot just dies. I see hard drive activity on my primary hard drive for about 5 - 7 seconds after the screen goes blank then about 10 seconds of no activity then the boot script echoes show again.

    After so many failures over the years, I know how to get back running - most of the time.

    To get running immediately but not solving the problem:
    - Press Enter
    - Login as root
    - type "/etc/init.d/kdm restart" & Enter
    KDM stops then restarts and the KDE login screen shows.

    The problem with this is that it still stalls the next time I boot.

    To get running and maybe solving the problem. A very big maybe:
    - Press Enter
    - Login as root
    - type "dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" & Enter
    - type "/etc/init.d/kdm restart" & Enter

    This sometimes fixes the problem. Today it didn't!

    I make hourly and daily backups along with a weekly Partimage. My last Partimage was only two days ago so I choose to reload my OS partition. Now I am back to normal.

    Over the years I have submitted bug reports to Ubuntu but I have never had any action on them. This may possibly indicate that someone knows the answer so why work with me to solve it. If this is true then why not tell me the answer or it may mean that only I have this problem so why spend time on it. I have done numerous Internet searches with many like or very close problems but no solutions. I have asked for help in the forums but nothing specifically returned. The most frequent answer I get is check the log files. Unfortunately this has not helped. I am so familiar with this that I look for "xx" automatically after this event. Nothing significant shows up. This type of problem doesn't generate error messages. I think it just times out.

    8.04 will arrive soon and when 8.04.1 arrives, I will load it onto another hard drive but until then does anyone have any ideas? The newer version has a failsafe program built in to it just in case X or KDM fails. I read it as that or something close.

    I will try anything but I cannot try it until I lose KDM again.

    One other thought just arrived. Maybe I can manually reproduce the problem? Any ides?

    Thanks in advance.

    Slightly off-topic. I did a spell check after writing this and "Kubuntu" showed up as a possible error with a recommended replacement of "Subunit." In a Kubuntu forum, no way!

    Re: Lost KDM Again . . .

    That sounds like fun

    Can you boot into recovery mode?

    If so what error messages pop up and can you do:
    from the prompt?

    What happens?

    Can you also post dome specs for your machine? That helps others help you
    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10


      Re: Lost KDM Again . . .

      dome specs? Fintan, could you enlighten me, please
      Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


        Re: Lost KDM Again . . .

        Thanks for the quick reply

        Now this from memory since your questions were tries that I did early.

        Recovery dies at the same place.

        startx takes me into a generic x session with nothing else.

        This machine is a ten year old put together thing with a GigaByte G7 motherboard, AMD 1.4 gb chipset, 3 IDE hard drives, 1 dvd/cd burner and 1 USB (Partimage storage) hard drive.

        The first couple of times this happened, I simply reloaded everything but then evolution kicked in and I evolved into a knowledgeable repair person on this subject.

        I don't know if it is a coincidence or not but this seems to have started or got more frequent with the dividing of the kdmrc files into two parts. the normal one at /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc and the /etc/default/kdm.d ones.

        It is also possible that one of my cron backup scripts is triggering something such as a file reset when something else is running. The problem occurs about 2 or 3 months apart on average.


          Re: Lost KDM Again . . .

          Sorry typo. D next to s on the keyboard
          Some specs. Like graphic card, cpu, network card, etc
          HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
          4 GB Ram
          Kubuntu 18.10


            Re: Lost KDM Again . . .

            I thought I was missing something! Thank you for clearing it up

            Nice bit of jumbled up hardware, ain't Linux great (if you get it working)

            As for doing things to kdmrc under Kubuntu - I have heard, but not experienced, that it is supposed to be susceptible.

            You said you tried a few things - like apt-get remove --purge kdm (highlighting and reinstalling all dependencies including kdm itself, naturally) or dpkg-reconfigure kdm or apt-get install gdm and selecting that as your Xmanager for example?

            Just a couple of suggestions - without more info on the setup itself I cannot really tell what else might be wrong (or know for that matter...)
            Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ

