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Can´t boot from Kubuntu 7.10 Live DVD

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    Can´t boot from Kubuntu 7.10 Live DVD

    Hi, maybe the last time I tried to install Kubuntu was with 6.x and I don´t remember having Problems then. And my PC basically not changed, still an old AMD XP2500+ etc. and the only thing that changed from back then is that i attached 1 more USB HDD and one USB external DVD Burner, thats it.

    Well, anyways, when I now try to boot from the Live DVD, it starts up and gives me the boot menu, I then choose the first option, and then it starts loading with the Kubuntu bar moving right to left and then it just stops, I mean its continueing this forever. When I did try the boot option "INSTALL" instead of just ENTER, it showed me the text of what is happening while booting. And it stopped after saying something like:

    Kernel Panic: Not syncing : VFS: unable to mount Root fs
    and it stops. What can be the problem ? I mean, the PC runs Windows fine, so the HDD can´t be broken or anything, and since I only want it to boot from the CD and run as a Live CD, I don´t see the problem. I am not a Linux nerd but I would appreciate a tip what could be the problem.

    Thank you in advance


    Re: Can´t boot from Kubuntu 7.10 Live DVD

    Maybe something here will help:


      Re: Can´t boot from Kubuntu 7.10 Live DVD

      I already tried it in Safe Mode with the boot, no change. I checked the MD5SUM of my DVD that I downloaded and compared it with the original MD5, its the same.

      acf811303f380d07106d8fd8b923839d  kubuntu-7.10-dvd-i386.iso
      I already burned a 2nd DVD, slowly, and it still makes that problem. So what else could it be ? Because I don´t even get to any point where I can install or anything, its not even loading into the DVD fully until I would see a Desktop. I tried it also on my gf´s PC, no problem. So the DVD isn´t the issue.


        Re: Can´t boot from Kubuntu 7.10 Live DVD

        You're saying "DVD", but is it really a "CD ROM". I've never used the Kubuntu DVD image, so I dunno how well it works or what issues it might have.

        Don't use a re-writable media.

        If you already know you want to install Kubuntu, I would advise you to use the Alternate Install CD image, rather than the Live CD. But, it sure would be nice to get a Live CD to boot on your system so you can make sure it's happy on your hardware.

        Most of these "it stops at xx%" problems turn out to be a problem with the CD media. When I see "it starts loading and then gives me a black screen", that is usually a problem with the video display of the splash screen.

        That's all I can think of to advise you. If you can get your hand on another PC, even temporarily, it would be nice to see whether your CD runs on that one. If it does, then the problem is not the CD. If it doesn't .... better burn again!


          Re: Can´t boot from Kubuntu 7.10 Live DVD

          It was actually a RW i used, in both cases. But on other Linux Distros i tried over the years, i mostly used RW´s because I usually buy them and never had a problem. I don´t even have non DVD media anymore, but it seems i have to buy a CD then and see how that goes. And also some non RW-DVDs.

          Hope all this helps. Other than that I have no idea why it shouldn´t work. Btw, if it would be an issue with RW, why did the DVD run fine on my gf´s PC ? And my burner (internal) usually doesn´t have a problem with RW´s.



            Re: Can´t boot from Kubuntu 7.10 Live DVD

            Originally posted by Wolfseye

            Btw, if it would be an issue with RW, why did the DVD run fine on my gf´s PC ?
            I honestly don't know for a fact, but my theory is that the newest compression technology used to pack the image ("bits per mm of optical track") is not compatible with the media density available on RWs.


              Re: Can´t boot from Kubuntu 7.10 Live DVD

              But shouldn´t then happen the same thing when I try to boot it on my gf´s PC ? Since it was also the RW i used.


                Re: Can´t boot from Kubuntu 7.10 Live DVD

                Well, maybe .... how long ago was the successful running of this DVD-RW? Because they have made recent advances in the compression methods.

                Perhaps there is a difference between "Booting all the way until the kernel is running and the devices are loaded" and "starting to boot the DVD".

                Perhaps the data in the image are packed more in the "information" tracks than in the booting track.

                I'm not the expert on optical media and image compression, but it has always (OK, for 3 years) been the recommendation to:

                1. Verify the md5sum
                2. Burn slow (4X)
                3. Use good quality media
                4. No rewritable media

                sidux says theirs has to be burned using DAO mode. So, there you go.


                  Re: Can´t boot from Kubuntu 7.10 Live DVD

                  Thank you very much, I will get a new bunch of DVD´s and then see how its going. Appreciated the help.


                  P.S: Is it wise as no-linux-nerd to take the latest 8.04 instead of 7.10


                    Re: Can´t boot from Kubuntu 7.10 Live DVD

                    Well, I look at it this way. If you're going to put yourself through a protracted learning experience, might as well do it on the new release, so I vote for 8.04!


                      Re: Can´t boot from Kubuntu 7.10 Live DVD

                      Well, i did tried that this morning. Burned it on CD, the 8.04 (sorry for the offtopic now) and i kinda had the same results, except that after a while, right after the moving Kubuntu loading bar, it only showed a cursor blinking and then the following line came with different numbers at the end.

                      Buffer I/O error on device sdc1, logical block 117

                      What the hell ? My LG Drive works fine on Windows but not with Linux, wth I don´t get it anymore. Its definately alright but just not with Linux.

                      And I don´t want to buy a new Drive just because Linux doesn´t likes it. Too bad.

