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OEM Install

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    OEM Install

    just installed gutsy on a pavilion 8650c to save it from an evil version of win98.
    I did an oem install, went through the steps quite easily. When I got to the desk top I went to adept installer to get updates, and since the system tray icon said the connection was active I thought everything went fine.
    I go to use konqueror to do some web surfing, it goes no where,it just goes into strigi.
    Do I have to oem-config-prepare to finish things off first? I would really like to get firefox and thunderbird but even going into add/remove programs doesn't help.

    Advice for the noooobeeee would be great


    Re: OEM Install

    how about
    sudo apt-get install firefox flashplugin-nonfree gnash
    from terminal, sorry Konsole that will install firefox and needed flash plugins.
    [img width=400 height=138][/img]


      Re: OEM Install

      Hi, meant to get back sooner but was experimenting.
      Tried 'sudo apt-get install firefox flashplugin-nonfree gnash', did not work
      Tried oem-config-prepare, I then could use Konqueror to surf the web
      Still could not install firefox or thunderbird from add/remove programs
      Tried to download and install firefox from mozilla's own site, hitting run in the dialog window, but all that happened was the monitor filled with multicoloured, vertical lines.
      I rebooted and got back to the desktop, and things seemed to be back to normal except for not having mozilla's product on my system.
      Tried again with t-bird, got the same screen as before(vertical lines),
      This time it would not boot at all.
      Tried to reinstall, but it would not go, either from oem disc or live cd. I even tried to use an ubuntu/fiesty cd to install, but no go
      I am thinking it might be a hardware issue now and will get the drive checked out, wiped and try again.
      There is a bright spot however, I had a drive with 7.05 already installed and I swapped it over about half an hour ago and am using it now to update what i've done
      It works fine,... but I am still determined to install 7.10
      Thank you Thank you for the advice, it is allways appreciated

      P.S. Went to a used computer store to see if I could find somthing I could use, and the conversation turned to using linux on older machines, and I was indulgently told that I neither had enough ram or processor....Well!!!
      I'm not trying to run compiz-fusion or anything of the like, but pIII 550 with 191mg ram is doing pretty durn good!!!
      So,.....What do they Know!!!


        Re: OEM Install

        The PIII 550 is O.K., but you really do need to boost the RAM to at least 256, but more if you can. I'm running a PIII 700 with 384MB and Kubuntu does alright, but is no speed demon.
        The next brick house on the left
        Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


          Re: OEM Install

          Originally posted by jglen490

          but you really do need to boost the RAM to at least 256, but more if you can.
          FYI, on a Dell Dimension 2400, with 256M of RAM, the Kubuntu 8.04 Beta Live CD would not finish loading the high-resolution desktop. This was yesterday when I was helping a family friend recover data from her crashed Windows disk. The Live CD kind of died somewhere between putting up the panel and configuring the mouse. I tried again in Safe Graphics mode and it worked great. So I think maybe the Heron is looking for at least 512M of RAM, or else a better graphics system that what she has on that PC. :P


            Re: OEM Install

            Thanks for the replies...., and yes, I agree that I need more ram and since ordered some. Unfortunately this hp likes the proprietary stuff but I have some on the way. I also have a 1gig celeron chip to install and am looking for something better than on-board video, preferably 64-128mb, and something that won't be too expensive as I am trying to keep to a budget on this one. It's all good though 'cause I've managed to learn a lot from every step forward/back that I have taken so far. I am starting to look forward to the release of Hardy, later on this month.

