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Blank screen when installing Live CD - using ASUS laptop, nvidia 8600m GT

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    Re: Blank screen when installing Live CD - using ASUS laptop, nvidia 8600m GT

    Very good! I know how much of a good (GREAT) feeling you had when it 'all came together.' It's one of the gems we all live for.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Blank screen when installing Live CD - using ASUS laptop, nvidia 8600m GT

      if all else fails, google "kubuntu asus hpet"

      and on the boot options when you first put in the CD, delete quiet splash and put acpi=off


        Re: Blank screen when installing Live CD - using ASUS laptop, nvidia 8600m GT

        hi guys...I think I may have a minor issue here...ok, now that I have this proper nvidia driver installed, I think it seems to work TOO well fact, it works SO well that I get max resolution out of my screen and I can't do anything about.

        I can't change my resolution from 1920x1200 to lets say a more docile 1280x800...I now need a telescope to read anything on my screen. When I go to the monitor settings or the "Nvidia Settings" application, the slider bar for selecting the resolution is stuck at 1920x1200 w/o any other options. There is no option for any lower resolutions. it's weird, it's like the only one available.

        how do I now change my resolution?

        ok, I'm sure you'll ask for this, so here's my xorg-conf file:

        thank you !!

        # xorg.conf (xorg X Window System server configuration file)
        # This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using
        # values from the debconf database.
        # Edit this file with caution, and see the xorg.conf manual page.
        # (Type "man xorg.conf" at the shell prompt.)
        # This file is automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades *only*
        # if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the xserver-xorg
        # package.
        # If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated
        # again, run the following command:
        #  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
        Section "Files"
        Section "InputDevice"
            Identifier   "Generic Keyboard"
            Driver     "kbd"
            Option     "CoreKeyboard"
            Option     "XkbRules"   "xorg"
            Option     "XkbModel"   "pc105"
            Option     "XkbLayout"   "us"
        Section "InputDevice"
            Identifier   "Configured Mouse"
            Driver     "mouse"
            Option     "CorePointer"
            Option     "Device"    "/dev/input/mice"
            Option     "Protocol"   "ImPS/2"
            Option     "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
            Option     "Emulate3Buttons"    "true"
        Section "InputDevice"
            Identifier   "Synaptics Touchpad"
            Driver     "synaptics"
            Option     "SendCoreEvents"    "true"
            Option     "Device"    "/dev/psaux"
            Option     "Protocol"   "auto-dev"
            Option     "HorizEdgeScroll"    "0"
        Section "InputDevice"
            Driver     "wacom"
            Identifier   "stylus"
            Option     "Device"    "/dev/input/wacom"
            Option     "Type" "stylus"
            Option     "ForceDevice"  "ISDV4"# Tablet PC ONLY
        Section "InputDevice"
            Driver     "wacom"
            Identifier   "eraser"
            Option     "Device"    "/dev/input/wacom"
            Option     "Type" "eraser"
            Option     "ForceDevice"  "ISDV4"# Tablet PC ONLY
        Section "InputDevice"
            Driver     "wacom"
            Identifier   "cursor"
            Option     "Device"    "/dev/input/wacom"
            Option     "Type" "cursor"
            Option     "ForceDevice"  "ISDV4"# Tablet PC ONLY
        Section "Device"
            Identifier   "nVidia Corporation G80 [GeForce 8600M GT]"
            Boardname    "nv"
            Busid      "PCI:1:0:0"
            Driver     "nvidia"
            Screen 0
        Section "Monitor"
            Identifier   "Generic Monitor"
            Modelname    "Custom 1"
         modeline "640x480@60" 25.2 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 -vsync -hsync
         modeline "800x600@56" 36.0 800 824 896 1024 600 601 603 625 +hsync +vsync
         modeline "800x600@60" 40.0 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync
         modeline "1024x768@60" 65.0 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806 -vsync -hsync
         modeline "1280x960@60" 102.1 1280 1360 1496 1712 960 961 964 994 -hsync +vsync
         modeline "1280x1024@60" 108.0 1280 1328 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync
         modeline "1400x1050@60" 122.61 1400 1488 1640 1880 1050 1051 1054 1087 -hsync +vsync
         modeline "1600x1200@60" 162.0 1600 1664 1856 2160 1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync
         modeline "1792x1344@60" 204.8 1792 1920 2120 2448 1344 1345 1348 1394 -hsync +vsync
         modeline "1856x1392@60" 218.3 1856 1952 2176 2528 1392 1393 1396 1439 -hsync +vsync
         modeline "1920x1440@60" 234.0 1920 2048 2256 2600 1440 1441 1444 1500 -hsync +vsync
         modeline "2048x1536@60" 266.95 2048 2200 2424 2800 1536 1537 1540 1589 -hsync +vsync
            Gamma  1.0
        Section "Screen"
            Identifier   "Default Screen"
            Device     "nVidia Corporation G80 [GeForce 8600M GT]"
            Monitor     "Generic Monitor"
            Defaultdepth  24
            SubSection "Display"
                Depth  24
                Virtual 2048  1536
                Modes      "1280x960@60"  "1280x1024@60" "1024x768@60"  "1400x1050@60" "800x600@60"  "1600x1200@60" "800x600@56"  "1792x1344@60" "640x480@60"  "1856x1392@60" "1920x1440@60" "2048x1536@60"
            Option     "AddARGBGLXVisuals"   "True"
        Section "ServerLayout"
            Identifier   "Default Layout"
         screen 0 "Default Screen" 0 0
            Inputdevice   "Generic Keyboard"
            Inputdevice   "Configured Mouse"
            # Uncomment if you have a wacom tablet
            #    InputDevice   "stylus"    "SendCoreEvents"
            #    InputDevice   "cursor"    "SendCoreEvents"
            #    InputDevice   "eraser"    "SendCoreEvents"
            Inputdevice   "Synaptics Touchpad"
        Section "Module"
            Load      "glx"
            Load      "GLcore"
            Load      "v4l"
        Section "device" #
            Identifier   "device1"
            Boardname    "nv"
            Busid      "PCI:1:0:0"
            Driver     "nvidia"
            Screen 1
        Section "screen" #
            Identifier   "screen1"
            Device     "device1"
            Defaultdepth  24
            Monitor     "monitor1"
            Option     "AddARGBGLXVisuals"   "True"
        Section "monitor" #
            Identifier   "monitor1"
            Gamma  1.0
        Section "ServerFlags"
        Section "Extensions"
            Option     "Composite"   "Enable"


          Re: Blank screen when installing Live CD - using ASUS laptop, nvidia 8600m GT

          Alt-F2 "kdesu nvidia-settings" with no quote marks.

          X Server Display Configuration

          Click "Detect Displays"

          Set Resolution as you want it for default.

          I recommend leaving Refresh set to "Auto" -- you can take your chances with other settings.

          Click "Save to X Configuration File" button in lower right of the panel. Leave the X in "merge with existing .." Click "Save".

          This will set the default resolution. If you want to temporarily change it for a login session, just do Alt-F2 "nvidia-settings" and change the resolution. At next login, it will come back to default.


            Re: Blank screen when installing Live CD - using ASUS laptop, nvidia 8600m GT

            Hi Dibl,

            I tried that and when I click "Detect Display" nothing happens. and my resolution is still the same. I actually tried that before when I installed envy. when I look in the drop down, I only see:


            nothing that I do changes that. is there anyway to modify the xorg file to force a display?



              Re: Blank screen when installing Live CD - using ASUS laptop, nvidia 8600m GT

              I think this is fixable. First, we will follow our Hippocratic oath .... make a backup of your current xorg.conf file. Open the Konsole and do:

              sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_bak15mar08
              Next (read the rest of the instruction and makes notes -- you're about to temporarily loose your GUI), Ctrl-Alt-F1 to the CLI, log in, and execute

              sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
              sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite
              sudo etc/init.d/kdm start
              And, after (hopefully) observing the Nvidia splash, log back in. Now you have a new xorg.conf file.

              Now, follow my previous instruction to run Alt-F2 kdesu nvidia-settings, and see if you get a different result.


                Re: Blank screen when installing Live CD - using ASUS laptop, nvidia 8600m GT

                hi dibl,

                still no luck

                same resolution as before. I do see my new xorg file. it's definitely different than before so the commands worked.


                  Re: Blank screen when installing Live CD - using ASUS laptop, nvidia 8600m GT

                  It's only offering you the one resolution?

                  Does it appear to recognize your LCD or CRT correctly in nvidia-settings -- do you see the model of it?


                    Re: Blank screen when installing Live CD - using ASUS laptop, nvidia 8600m GT


                    yes, it's offering just that one resolution.

                    well, it says Generic Monitor.
                    I have no clue what monitor it is. it's a external monitor.


                      Re: Blank screen when installing Live CD - using ASUS laptop, nvidia 8600m GT

                      In nvidia-settings it says "Generic Monitor"?


                      I'm going to recommend that you open your xorg.conf file with kate, in Super User mode, so Alt-F2 "kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf" without the quote marks, and go to the stanza entitled "Section Monitor" that looks a lot like this:

                      Section "Monitor"
                      Identifier "Monitor0"
                      VendorName "Unknown"
                      ModelName "Samsung SyncMaster"
                      HorizSync 30.0 - 130.0
                      VertRefresh 50.0 - 160.0
                      Option "DPMS"
                      I want you to add the Option "DPMS" to the last line of the stanza, so it looks like mine.

                      Then do "File > Save" to save it, exit Kate, and restart the X server with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, and then do Alt-F2 "kdesu nvidia-settings" again, and let's see if it's able to detect the monitor.


                        Re: Blank screen when installing Live CD - using ASUS laptop, nvidia 8600m GT

                        ok, I added the line Option "DPMS"
                        and it still can't detect the monitor.

                        same as before.


                          Re: Blank screen when installing Live CD - using ASUS laptop, nvidia 8600m GT


                          Well, I'm pretty much out of gas on this one -- at appears Asus designed that lappy to run nothing but Windows, ever. It may be that you can configure a VESA display and use other resolutions, but you'll not have any 3D graphics with it. So that's your choice, apparently -- VESA and the resolution of your choice, or Nvidia and accelerated graphics.


                            Re: Blank screen when installing Live CD - using ASUS laptop, nvidia 8600m GT

                            that's ok though...I can use it for now...I'm not running anything that requires 3D acceleration for's more of something I wanted to have...for that, I can always boot into windows

                            hopefully there'll be a better driver in the future..

                            thanks for all your help so far.



