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[SOLVED]Problems with install on new system

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    Re: [SOLVED]Problems with install on new system

    Alright, it looks like things have gone well.

    I ran into a few problems en route, so I'll outline them here:

    1) I had previously removed "splash" from the GRUB by hitting e during GRUB and then deleting it from the boot line. I guess that wasn't permanent. I was not able to use the real boot option until later.

    2) Because it took me a while to realize that, I had attempted to update everything in recovery mode, which I assume disables the internet as M$ Safe Mode does.

    3) Once I removed the splash, I immediately proceeded to the login screen and attempted a login. It said "Initializing Services..." and then would send me straight back to the login screen. Console boot sent me to the described "Running local boot scrips [OK]" screen. So, I had to use the Failsafe login to get a console window to do my apt-get installations.

    4) Uh... I don't know how to "run" a .deb file. Still new to some aspects of linux.

    Thanks a lot for the help! Everything is on track


      Re: [SOLVED]Problems with install on new system

      re 1 - correct, any alterations to the boot stanza during boot up are valid for that time and that time only. To make permanent changes you have to boot up and change (as root, of course) the file /boot/grub/menu.lst

      re 2 - recovery mode I believe has a number of modules that do not load. The internet, however, should be working fine.

      re 3 - so you managed to get to the command line using the failsafe login. Do you remember exactly which command you put it? All the following only work as root - "apt-get update" rereads the online repositories, "apt-get dist-upgrade" is usually the safest way to upgrade although "apt-get upgrade" does the trick most times also. If any problems occur, "apt-get install -f" will fix most things.

      re 4 - if you did any of the commands I mentioned in 3, you should not have .deb files floating around your system. If on the other hand, you downloaded a separate .deb file and put in, say, your home directory the proper command to install it would be (as root, of course) "dpkg -i ~/name_of_deb.deb" where ~ denotes your home path.
      Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


        Re: [SOLVED]Problems with install on new system

        Originally posted by toad

        re 2 - recovery mode I believe has a number of modules that do not load. The internet, however, should be working fine.
        I really don't think it did. When I did my sudo apt-get update, I had an enormous number of errors, many of which said "could not resolve <insert url here>". Also, I had managed to get into the GUI and whatnot, and when I used Konqueror, nothing worked. Even google.

        Originally posted by toad
        re 3 - so you managed to get to the command line using the failsafe login. Do you remember exactly which command you put it? All the following only work as root - "apt-get update" rereads the online repositories, "apt-get dist-upgrade" is usually the safest way to upgrade although "apt-get upgrade" does the trick most times also. If any problems occur, "apt-get install -f" will fix most things.
        I followed ShadowZero's steps, so I did sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. Once that was done, I typed exit to get back to the login GUI, and then things worked from there.

        Originally posted by toad
        re 4 - if you did any of the commands I mentioned in 3, you should not have .deb files floating around your system. If on the other hand, you downloaded a separate .deb file and put in, say, your home directory the proper command to install it would be (as root, of course) "dpkg -i ~/name_of_deb.deb" where ~ denotes your home path.
        Step 6 of ShadowZero's algorithm to fixing stuff says to google envy ubuntu, then dl and run the appropriate deb file. That's how I ended up with that.

        Thanks for the help/info.


          Re: [SOLVED]Problems with install on new system

          okay, so everything worked - I may well be wrong on point 2 as I don't think I have ever used the recovery method of booting

          So if you downloaded the deb file, go to the directory and do
          sudo dpkg -i name_of_file.deb
          and everything should be hunky dory.
          Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


            Re: [SOLVED]Problems with install on new system

            Yeah, I really feel that the recovery mode in Linux is analagous to the Safe Mode in M$. It shuts down every unnecessary process, driver, etc and gives you enough to get a GUI. In M$ Safe Mode, internet is disabled as well.

            I got that install done, apt-get the missing packages, and everything worked fine. I clicked the (Recommended) option of letting Envy reconfigure xorg manually - bad idea. I rebooted into Linux in something worse than 16:9 resolution and couldn't even read what was on the screen and had to go back to recovery mode to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. A word of caution there - don't let Envy reconfigure stuff, lol.

