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[SOLVED]Problems with install on new system

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    [SOLVED]Problems with install on new system

    Trying to get linux working on my new box. Consists of:

    Asus P5K3 Deluxe
    3.0 Conroe
    Nvidia 8800GT

    Problem I'm having is I can't get Kubuntu to work in any type of graphical interface. This includes the LiveCD environment. I can use the text install to get it installed, but my monitor goes into a "standby" type of mode right instead of the boot splash screen with the Kubuntu logo. I usually get that when the computer is off or the OS sends that signal to the monitor. After a fresh text install, i still can't get it to boot(just like the liveCD). I try to use Alt+F1 and Ctrl+Alt+F1 but the monitor stays in standby. A few Alt Ctrl Del's and I can get it to reboot though.

    I suspect lack of video drivers that are included with the default install are the problem. I'm thinking if I could just get to apt to update that I'd be in better shape, but I'm stumped on how to do that.

    Re: Problems with install on new system

    I'm having the same problem.

    ASUS A8V Deluxe
    ATI Radeon X800 Pro

    I originally wanted Xubuntu and this happened as well. My monitor says "No video signal" and goes into standby.

    My friend suggested it was a video driver problem as well.

    On a more peculiar note, my old live-cd Knoppix and Quantian boot discs always worked on this computer.


      Re: Problems with install on new system

      Well, i had no problem with the GUI loading on openSUSE on this system. Also, I had an older(P4 and 6800) system that 7.10 worked fine on. Not sure what the hang up is here.


        Re: Problems with install on new system

        I don't know the answer to your problem but at least I can tell you how to get into your kubuntu system via a live CD like knoppix.

        Boot knoppix, open a root shell and type
        chroot /dev/hda1
        where hda1 has to be replaced with your Kubuntu partition. You are now root in Kubuntu and can have a look whether or not you can do an apt-get.

        Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


          Re: Problems with install on new system

          Ok, I just though of a specific question that might help me get into my Kubuntu installation. I might try what toad said with one of the livecd's i have burned(currently openSUSE 10.3 and mandriva 2008.0)

          My question: Is there any way I can force Kubuntu to boot into a text only console, without loading <b>any</b> type of GUI? Maybe by editing the GRUB or something?


            Re: Problems with install on new system

            Yep, the 8800-series is known to be tricky. Here's some guidance I wrote a while back:


            Go down to Par. 2 and see if there's any help there. Basically, you want to get it working in VESA mode, install your browser, and go get the Envy script installer, and use that to install the driver. With Gutsy, I never found the "Restricted Driver Manager" to be reliable -- funny things happened every time I tried to use it, so I'd just leave it alone if I were you.


              Re: Problems with install on new system

              2. Booting. The "quiet" option, which is a normal *buntu kernel boot option, puts this card in "black" mode, or else to sleep.

              So, open /boot/grub/menu.lst with kate in Super User mode, and delete the word "quiet" from the kernel boot line, and save it. I need no "vga=" options to see the splash screens on my Samsung SyncMaster 1100 -- it is possible that other monitors may need one of those options. So the only boot options that I have are "ro" and "splash".
              I guess this is what i'm stuck on. Since I can't get past what would be the splash logo(my screen goes blank and won't come back), I never get to the point where I have any control over the OS. I never see any screen to login, and haven't been able to access any type of console or text mode at all.

              I think I was actually able to get to a text interface by booting into recovery mode. I had no internet access though, apt-get wouldn't connect. Maybe I'll poke around in that a little more and see if anything comes to me. Any ideas would be welcome in the meantime

              EDIT: since I can get to a text interface in recovery mode, is there a non-GUI text editor program I can use to edit the menu.1st? Kinda like the old ms-dos edit program?


                Re: Problems with install on new system

                I think nano comes shipped with kubuntu - just type nano on the command line
                Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                  Re: Problems with install on new system

                  So I'm looking through this forum, trying to find an answer to this guys exact problem. Black screen after the Load Kernel shtuff. I read this thread and it sounds all well and good, the problem is, I know nothing about Linux/Ubuntu/Kubuntu... basically any OS besides Winblows. I was wondering if you could help me out here. New System (i built) + No knowledge of OS being attempted = Lost in the sauce.


                    Re: Problems with install on new system

                    Hm, lost in sauce... Getting hungry!

                    But back to basics - you have two options available to you. Either stick with the non-booting kubuntu and pray for the right help from this and the Ubuntu forum or try another distro (such as Debian itself or even Ubuntu!?) and see, out of mere interest, whether they boot okay. If they do, it is easy enough to get kde working on there...

                    If you want to go down route one, have you tried all the different vga settings or a konsole login? From the latter you could login as user and type
                    and see what happens. There are also some options in the bootloader Grub which might go some way to alleviating your problem, specifically "quiet" and "splash" - search this forum for more info...
                    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                      Re: Problems with install on new system

                      This sometimes helps folks:



                        Re: Problems with install on new system

                        Solved. Let me see if I can reproduce the steps to help anyone having a similar problem.

                        1. Boot into recovery mode, and type
                        nano /boot/grub/menu.lst
                        Take the splash option out of the boot code.

                        2. Use the GRUB options to boot into the Ubuntu that you just took the "splash" code out of. My system appeared to freeze at
                        * Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)              [OK]
                        3. Pressing ESC took me straight to a Yar tty1 login console. I did my usual
                        sudo apt-get update
                        sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
                        Then ran
                        sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
                        4.If you have never manually reconfigured your xserver-xorg before, you might want to read what you are choosing. The only real important thing for this problem is to make sure you choose the VESA driver option.

                        should bring you to a GUI for the first time. Now you can install Firefox.
                        sudo apt-get install firefox
                        if you are still wanting to use the console.

                        6. Google "envy ubuntu". Download and run the appropriate .deb package file. I had to insert my Kubuntu install DVD for this to work.

                        7. Run Envy. At first, it will not have all the proper packages installed, and there will be dependency problems. Fix those automatically using the apt-get command
                        sudo apt-get install -f
                        or just run Envy from your programs menu. If it tells you you are missing a package, use
                        sudo apt-get install (package name)
                        to fix it manually.

                        8. Run envy again. With the driver installed, you should have full GUI functionality while in Kubuntu, and are prepared to run 3D desktop effects or play 3D games.


                          Re: [SOLVED]Problems with install on new system

                          Excellent -- yes, that is the process -- good job!

                          On #6, if you will open Adept Manager, and click "Adept>Manage Repositories", I think it's the "third-party" tab where you will find your CD listed as a source with an "x" in the box. If you remove the "X", it will stop demanding that you insert the CD every time you want to install a package.

                          Also, to run glx and compositing apps like Compiz, after you have your driver installed you need to pop open the Konsole and do this:

                          sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite
                          Then after you restart the X server with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, you can open the Konsole again and enter
                          and observe that glx is working correctly.


                            Re: [SOLVED]Problems with install on new system

                            and the command to fix dependencies is
                            sudo apt-get install -f
                            You might want to put that in your post to make it more comprehensive to readers.

                            Well done, I am sure it will help a lot of others! Also an option would be to start a new topic with a more precise title (incl. solved) and only those instructions - and then paste that link into your signature. So whenever you see anything like that in the forum, simply point the people to YOUR howto and you are a guru
                            Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                              Re: [SOLVED]Problems with install on new system

                              Awesome, I hope this helps.

                              I'll try this today and let you know how it goes on my computer. This is my first time installing a Linux OS on a comptuer (not first use of it though).

