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KDE won't start

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    KDE won't start

    Kubuntu 7.10 (kernel 2.6.22-14-generic) on an Intel dual core running 32 bit on a 64 bit machine. Acer P223W monitor.

    I was away for a couple of weeks and when I returned I had an Adept update symbol showing. There were a number of updates including a new kernel. I did the update and Adept crashed at the end. I opened Adept and it came up clean showing all upgrades completed. I shut down last night and restarted this morning. Again I had an update symbol with 2 language packs showing. I accepted the update and one failed due to a broken package. These were Spanish and French (I want both these dictionaries for spell checking). While I was researching the broken package I got another update symbol with about 11 language related updates. I ran that. Both of these finished properly.

    About an hour later my system slowed down a lot so I decided to do a restart. Kubuntu comes up fine, but when KDE starts I get as far as Initializing System Services on the splash screen. The screen sits for about 5 seconds and then goes black for about 5 seconds. This keeps repeating for at least 1/2 hour.

    Any ideas? TIA
    An old mainframer trying to get modern in his retirement.

    Re: KDE won't start

    No crisp answer yet -- that issue is making the rounds, lately:

    The most popular "fix", that sometimes works, is to rename the hidden /home/user/.kde folder to .kde_old and restart the X server.


      Re: KDE won't start

      I tried renaming the .kde directory as suggested and it didn't fix the issue. I guess I'll just keep trying to get things fixed. I'd hate to have to do a complete reinstall this close to 8.04 coming out.
      An old mainframer trying to get modern in his retirement.


        Re: KDE won't start

        Well, I've tried the mods to /boot/grub/menu.lst that have been recommended. I renamed the /home/user/.kde file and no luck. I guess I am once more faced with a reinstall. This is getting almost as bad as Vista!
        An old mainframer trying to get modern in his retirement.


          Re: KDE won't start

          I resolved this issue by following the advice on another thread.
          It seems that there are two language packs that don't play well, and need to be removed. I noticed that these were being installed as updates in gutsy right before my KDM session went to hell.

          I used apt-get to remove:




          After restarting X, there was no longer a hangup starting KDE.


            Re: KDE won't start

            This worked, but now I have issues from other fix attempts to fix. Hopefully I can get them cleared.
            An old mainframer trying to get modern in his retirement.


              Re: KDE won't start

              Originally posted by acet0ne
              I resolved this issue by following the advice on another thread.
              It seems that there are two language packs that don't play well, and need to be removed. I noticed that these were being installed as updates in gutsy right before my KDM session went to hell.

              I used apt-get to remove:




              After restarting X, there was no longer a hangup starting KDE.
              This completely resolved the problem for me as well, with no follow up issues (yet). BTW, removing ...kde-en will also remove ...kde-en-base. It's a one-step fix.

              A very major thanks to you for finding and publishing this fix!!!!!!


                Re: KDE won't start

                Originally posted by Calgarian
                This worked, but now I have issues from other fix attempts to fix. Hopefully I can get them cleared.
                This solution worked great. I was able to remove the language packs and the reboot from repair console to regular and all is working.

                Does anyone know the reason for this? And is there a central place to go to check on updates, prior to installation to see if they will break a system?


                  Re: KDE won't start

                  This issue was multiple posted to Launchpad, and it was resolved, I understand. Had to do with a translation which didn't follow the rules.

        's my next question: WHEN an update goes bad (as will happen again), or we suspect that it has, HOW CAN IT BE UNDONE? Is the a command to "undo last update"?

