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Just installed Kubuntu 7.10 and I'm not sure it went so well....

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    Just installed Kubuntu 7.10 and I'm not sure it went so well....

    Hi all,

    First off, I'm not a total newbie to Linux in general, but it has been a while since I used it, so bear with me. I tried Ubuntu for 2 weeks and decided to give Kubuntu a try as well. Hence the reason I installed it.

    It seems that the same bug is roaming the Kubuntu install as the Ubuntu. I have an ATI Radeon x1900 card and that one requires several reboots, shutdowns, etc. before it will finally get the gfx card to work properly both with the live CD and the initial installation. Really, someone should look into this.

    Then at the first start up of Kubuntu I go for updating the OS. Initially that goes well, but at about 55-60% the updater gives me an error message telling me that it couldn't apply an update because otherwise it would break something in the current system and it crashes. No error message, crash log, nothing.
    Then the adept database remains in a locked state from which I can only recover it by going to the terminal and executing "sudo apt-get update".
    This then gives me a message that of one of the updates there are two (yes, you got it right TWO) configuration files: now if I'd be so kind to indicate which one I want to use. Doh, I know a bit of Linux, but how in the world do I know what the updater just messed up, so which of the two I'm supposed to go for?

    Anyway, I picked the one that was supplied with the package by the supplier of the package (figuring that the Kubuntu staff knows what it does), but I have no clue if I should have.
    It seems as if everything is working, but I'd like to be able to check if it is all ok. I can't find a way to manually start the updater. As a matter of fact it seems it's nowhere in the system (anymore?).
    The package manager just gives me a list of packages. I cannot select by category, I cannot verify any install errors, nothing.

    My thought was to maybe download the DVD iso, hoping that this one will be more current than the Live CD. But trying that during the weekend for me is impossible due to poor ISP performance.

    Anyway, can you guys help me out to figure out what went wrong exactly, how I can check if everything is ok and possibly how I can resolve problems.

    I would really appreciate any help you guys can give me.


    Re: Just installed Kubuntu 7.10 and I'm not sure it went so well....

    Open Adept Manager (K Menu | System | Adept Manger) and click on Adept | Manage Repositories. On the first tab, check all items (you don't need the last item checked unless you intend to download source files for compiling). On the Third-Party Software tab uncheck/delete the cdrom repository entry. Close the window. If Adept doesn't automatically fetch updates, click on Fetch Updates. You will now have access to the thousands of available packages. If you still have problems, open a console and type:
    sudo dpkg --configure -a
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Just installed Kubuntu 7.10 and I'm not sure it went so well....

      Is this the error message you get?
      "There was an error committing changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages."

      If is that so then you should try to give some commands lines in the console:
      sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock
      sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock
      sudo dpkg --configure -a
      -> read the output, you will have to answer a few questions
      sudo dpkg --configure –pending

      If the above doesn't help repeat the first three lines and read the output. It should say that some package does not exist so it cannot be configure. Identify the broken packaged, then run
      sudo apt-get install "name of the package"
      (without the quotes of course)

      Hope this help. I'm new to kubuntu too, and i get this kind of broken adept/installation manager every time I install kubuntu restricted extras on a fresh installation.


        Re: Just installed Kubuntu 7.10 and I'm not sure it went so well....

        I'm strictly of the Nvidia persuasion, but if I were in your situation, here is what I would do, and I will leave for the student to research how to do it (the posts are plentiful here and at Ubuntu Forum and elsewhere):

        1. Do the basic OS installation -- sounds like you're happy with it. Personally I use the Alternate Install CD, but the DVD is not a bad idea if you've got ISP problems.

        2. Configure a VESA display for initial purposes:
        sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
        and on the first screen choose "NO" and on the second screen choose "VESA".

        3. Take care of basic set up stuff -- get the updates, install a browser, point Amarok to your music, etc.

        4. Download the Envy script installer, from here. You want the file at the bottom right of the OS table, where it says "Get Envy New". Right-click the downloaded file and install it.

        5. Open Konsole and run Envy in text mode, via
        sudo envy -t
        and observe whether there are any error messages. Some folks report that Envy will still fail for lack of dependent packages -- if you see that, just write down the dependent package, then use Adept Manager to install it, and run Envy again.

        That should work -- Envy is designed to find the best driver for your ATI card.

