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Rant and back to Ubuntu gnome

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    Rant and back to Ubuntu gnome


    I'm currently using kubuntu gutsy 7.1 64bit and I'm really liking it.
    Unfortunately I'm finding lots of annoying bugs and I'm thinking of moving back to gnome (ubuntu).

    The main issues are:
    Problems mounting/unmounting usb devices as user, desktop icons disappearing, some lack of permissions for programs to access the home directory, etc.

    THe main reason for sticking to Kde is kdenlive as I really need to use this software and I remember some crashes with it under gnome... also the kubuntuforums community is much nicer than ubuntuforums

    Sorry this is just a rant


    Re: Rant and back to Ubuntu gnome

    Originally posted by luckyluca

    Problems mounting/unmounting usb devices as user, desktop icons disappearing, some lack of permissions for programs to access the home directory, etc.
    Yeah, well the occasional rant is very understandable!

    USB devices should be mostly a fixable situation -- tell us more about these devices, and maybe we can get them working better for you.

    I dunno about disappearing icons -- that doesn't sound like a common phenomenon -- I don't recall hearing that complaint. What icons, and how are you putting them on the desktop?

    Permissions is no different for Kubuntu than for Ubuntu -- if you muck around as root in your user home directory, copying files and so on, you're asking for big trouble. But, again this is fixable. The most obvious approach is to open Konqueror as Super User by doing Alt-F2, "kdesu konqueror" and then simply right-click on the folder or icon or file that is giving you the problem, and choose "properties" and change the permissions to "luckyluca" for user and group.


      Re: Rant and back to Ubuntu gnome


      Thanks for the kind reply.
      I've got disappearing cdrom and media storage icons from the desktop. They only appear after either put in a data disc or perhaps plug a plug and play usb device (although most of the time these don't get recognized automatically).

      I've got the strong feeling that despite having set ability to mount/umount as user kubunt doesn't allow me to do that and gives me errors because not root.

      About the devices I have two separate issues with an external usb2 ntfs harddisk and an usb2 ntfs usbkey.
      The usbkey is not writeable and it doesn't allow me to change permissions with right click properties, even as root. it says "could not modify the ownership of the file /media/usb. you have insufficient access to the file to perform the change".

      The harddisk can only be mounted/unmounted as root as by trying as normal user it complaints that umount is not root. it originally started complaining with this:
      "hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000". So I followed the second tutorial on the page
      unsuccessfully: despite enabling the ability to mount/umount as user, it still doesn't allow to do it unless I'm root.
      Other times It mentioned something about fuse when right clicking and pressing "mount" "fusermount: user has no write access to mountpoint /media/uovo".
      But I can easily enable disable the drive by going to "Disk & filesystems" as administrator..

      Hope it make sense


        Re: Rant and back to Ubuntu gnome

        Ok I'm currently back to kubuntu; I figured out the cons weren't really that bad


          Re: Rant and back to Ubuntu gnome

          Cost v Benefit


            Re: Rant and back to Ubuntu gnome

            I have the same issue regarding the desktop icons. The icons for portable media (i.e. USB drives, CD-Roms etc..) do not show up when I first login. After inserting a CD into the tray, my USB drive icons appear on the desktop as well as the CD icon. The USB icons will remain on the desktop even after I remove the CD from the tray, but will disappear if I logout and log back in.

            I do not have a problem with this behavior myself since I try my bestest to keep the desktop as clean as possible. Additionally I have placed the "System Menu" applet back onto kicker. The System Menu gives me quick access to both USB drives and CDs without having to wonder why the icon is not on my desktop.


