As I'm trying to work through a login loop problem, I find that it's taking me a lot of time. I have much study to do. I like the learning, but meanwhile I'm not getting any work done, and the time I have to devote to this is limited. So I'm wondering...
What is the risk if I simply reload 7.10 from CD? Will it leave alone my user files? I have everything of importance backed up, but was having a problem writing multisession CDs, and so don't have the backups written off (big oops!). The backups are also in my user account area. (I could probably write them off to CD from the command line, which I CAN get to, but I have no idea how to do this.) risky is it to simply reload 7.10, update what needs to be updated, via adept, and get to work again?
I've been searching the forums to try to answer this question, but I'm not getting any answers.
Thanks for any help you can offer.
What is the risk if I simply reload 7.10 from CD? Will it leave alone my user files? I have everything of importance backed up, but was having a problem writing multisession CDs, and so don't have the backups written off (big oops!). The backups are also in my user account area. (I could probably write them off to CD from the command line, which I CAN get to, but I have no idea how to do this.) risky is it to simply reload 7.10, update what needs to be updated, via adept, and get to work again?
I've been searching the forums to try to answer this question, but I'm not getting any answers.
Thanks for any help you can offer.