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previously working install can't start

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    previously working install can't start

    I'm running a dual boot machine - WinXP/Gutsy. It's been working fine for several months. Today, when trying to boot into WinXP, it decided it needed to correct some disk errors, and then ran with a blue screen, white font for a couple of hours. It kept posting messages about deleting index entries.

    At the end, it tried a reboot. Since Gutsy is default, that's where control went. But I found I couldn't log on. It would accept my username/password, then display the screen where it's reporting about starting system services. Only two icons would light up (they look like memory chips and then two gears). It stays there, then returns to the login screen.

    I tried a reboot, using "recovery mode" (the second option on the initial boot menu. I got a console, and lot happened, then we went back to the login screen, and apparent service startup failure.

    I don't have any idea what to do. It appears that that disk error correction Windows did somehow partially trashed my Kubuntu. Another possibility: I have just started using kcontrol-autostart in Kubuntu. Haven't yet booted with it to see if it does indeed autostart the two programs I believe I set up to do this. Could this be the problem?

    Any and all ideas welcome. I clearly need help.

    Re: previously working install can't start

    It could be xorg problem:

    HOWTO : Repairing xorg.conf

    but it could be something else:

    Topic: Log-in Screen repeats in Gutsy

    I would log-in in the text mode and check the logs.
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: previously working install can't start

      I should explain - I'm only a couple of months into Linux. I'm working hard on it, but have much to learn. say check the logs - can you give me a hint how to do this? (I'll also go see what Mr. Google might have to say about this.)

      I'll also pursue the other two alternative. Thanks.


        Re: previously working install can't start

        From HOWTO : Repairing xorg.conf

        When you are in the log in screen:

        Text console log in

        Press Ctrl + Alt + F1 (or F2...6). This should start virtual console.

        log in ...

        Errors/warnings in the xorg log file

        Just looking errors:
        :~$ grep "(EE)" /var/log/Xorg.0.log

        Just looking warnings:
        :~$ grep "(WW)" /var/log/Xorg.0.log

        From Topic: Log-in Screen repeats in Gutsy

        Link to the LinuxLogFiles =>


        - Login Failures Log
        - System Log
        - ...

        FAQ: Free Disk Space

        :~$ df -h -T
        Is there free space for Kubuntu to start ?

        Another possibility: I have just started using kcontrol-autostart in Kubuntu. Haven't yet booted with it to see if it does indeed autostart the two programs I believe I set up to do this. Could this be the problem?
        Renaiming /home/<username>/.kde/Autostart/ (so kubuntu can't start those two programs)

        mv /home/<user>/.kde/Autostart /home/<user>/.kde/autostartbackup

        Sometimes KDE settings are so damaged that KDE can't start =>
        Topic: Kubuntu Desktop Issue
        - how to rename whole kde folder, so kde can make new folder with default settings
        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information

